Awards & Recognition
/in /by Elise MurrellOur members enjoy acknowledging the service and commitment of their colleagues. Awards represent a donation to our humanitarian causes in the name of a valued member.
Personalised Certificates
Members can use the Award Database to search for an individual and download a list of awards in their name, or to print a personalised certificate showing these awards.
Click here to search our Award Database
Please note this database will be updated periodically as information becomes available from the Foundations and Projects. But please understand we do not want to spoil any surprises so they may be a delay in the information available.
If you know of a Lion whose enthusiasm, ingenuity and resourcefulness has made a difference, please contact to share their story.
For more information on the individual awards, please scroll down to the tabs below…

LCIF – Melvin Jones Fellowship
Click here to search and/or download the latest MJF Recipients.
“Once in every generation or era a man appears and in his fleeting hour upon this stage leaves an indelible imprint upon the lives of his fellow men, and upon generations yet to come. Such a man was Melvin Jones. All over the world today he is the symbol of man’s concern for his fellow man” – Finis E Davis, International President at the time of the death of Melvin Jones, the founder of Lions.
The Melvin Jones Fellowship may be used to recognise outstanding Lions or members of the general public who have made a significant
contribution to Lionism.
Approval for a Melvin Jones Fellowship is made by the Lions Clubs International Foundation Board and the following list is current as at April 2022
Any queries should be directed to: Lions Australia National Office –
Australian Lions Foundation – Hall of Fame
Click here to search and/or download the latest Hall of Fame list
Visit for more information.
These Lions have been admitted into the Australian Lions Foundation Hall of Fame in recognition of their exceptional service to the Lions Organisation and the Community
Australian Lions Foundation – William R Tresise Fellowship Award
Click here to search and/or download the latest William R Tresise Fellowship Award Recipients.
Visit for more information.
As a National President of’ Apex in 1946, Bill unsuccessfully proposed the establishment of the Past Apexian Association, but being a determined fellow, he decided to establish one of the American Service clubs in Australia. Whilst in the USA in 1947 to attend the World Conference of Young Men’s Service Clubs, in which Apex was affiliated, he first met with the Executive Officers of the Kiwanis Association, then later with Past President Fred Smith and Melvin Jones of Lions Clubs International. From them he gained a contract to establish Lions Clubs in Australia. With the title of the Provisional District Governor, and financial support, he returned to Australia and formed the Lions Club of Lismore on July 12, 1947. The Lions Club of Murwillumbah followed in August 1948, but it was not until March 19, 1952 that the third Club, the Lions Club of Melbourne, was established.
Bill, who was in the timber hardware business, was active in politics, particularly at local government level. His eloquence and charm left an indelible impression on all with whom he came into contact. He served as District Governor in 1962-63. William R Tresise is recognised as the Founder of Lions in Australia. In honour of this, the Australian Lions Foundation has instituted the William R. Tresise Fellowship. A donation of $2,000 to the Foundation enables the donor to request this Award for presentation to a worthy recipient.
Australian Lions Foundation – Ian M Stockdale Humanitarian Award
Click here to search and/or download the latest Ian M Stockdale Humanitarian Award Recipients.
Visit for more information.
IAN M. STOCKDALE MBE (1921 – 1999)
Ian Stockdale was one of the most popular and respected members of our organisation. He was a true Christian gentleman who devoted his life to ensuring a bright future for others.
In 1941 Ian enlisted and served in New Guinea with the AIF and spent months in the Repatriation Hospital before returning to the real estate business. He married Lions Lady Rae in 1946 and, following travels to the USA where youth camps were commonplace; his love and concern for children and their future become one of his strong characteristics.
Ian served as District Governor of District 201M in 1969-70, as International Director from 1976 to 1978, and was awarded one of the Association’s highest awards, The Ambassador of Goodwill. In 1979 he was awarded the MBE.
Lions Licola Village was created from Ian’s ability to clearly visualise an opportunity and was purchased and converted to the facility as we know it today through his untiring work for the youth of the nation. In honour of his work, the Australian Lions Foundation has instituted the Ian M Stockade Humanitarian Award. A donation of $1,000 to the Foundation enables the donor to request this Award for presentation to a worthy recipient.
Australian Lions Foundation – James D Richardson Award
Click here to search and/or download the latest James D Richardson Award recipients.
Visit for more information.
Jim Richardson was one of the most beloved and respected members of Lions in the formative years of the Association in Australia. He served in the Royal Australian Air force during the 1939‐45 world war before establishing himself in the Brunswick ‐ Mullumbimby area of New South Wales. Jim was the second District Governor to be elected in Australia in 1956‐57 and the first Australian to serve as a Director on the International Board of Directors in 1958. He was recognised internationally for his magnificent oratory, which held people spellbound at conventions and gatherings of Lions. The growth of new clubs (fifty‐two) during his year as District Governor was never approached again by any District Governor.
The demands he placed upon himself meant that he travelled enormous distances by road so that he could visit all his Clubs, attend to Association and other business, as well as run his hotel with the great support of his wife Pam. Jim suffered a Cerebral Thrombosis whilst attending the International Board meeting in New Orleans in 1959 and although he recovered after a long convalescence, he had lost his capacity to speak. He was never capable of carrying on a conversation or making a speech but continued to work for Lions at club level and attended conventions. James D. Richardson BEM was one of the most dedicated and respected early leaders of Lions in Australia. In recognition of him being our first Australian International Director, the Australian Lions Foundation has instituted the James D Richardson Honour Award. A donation of $500 to the Foundation enables the donor to request this Award for presentation to a worthy recipient.
Australian Lions Wellbeing Foundation -Dr Harry Jenkins Fellow
Click here to search and/or download the latest Dr Harry Jenkins Fellow Recipients
Visit for more information
Harry joined Lions in 1961 as the Charter President of the Lions Club of Preston. He was elected District Governor of District 201F for the year 1968/69. He is a Life Member of Lions Clubs International, a Life Member of Multiple District 201 Past District Governors Association and a Melvin Jones Fellow. He has received a James D Richardson Award for Membership Development as District Governor. Harry has served as District Chairperson in a number of capacities, Membership Extension, Health and Welfare, Save Sight and Renal Dialysis. During the 1970’s he was, for some years, District Drug Awareness Chairperson and Chairperson of the Multiple District Committee on Drugs. In the latter part of the 1970’s he was a major supporter of forming a Lions Drug Foundation. To this end he received an invitation from International President Ebb Grindstaff to join the “Blue Ribbon” Committee and in 1983 attended a meeting of the International Committee on Drugs held in Chicago.
In 1983 Australian Lions formed an association with a non‐government national organisation, the Australian Foundation on Alcoholism and Drug Dependence. Harry served as Foundation Chairperson until his resignation as Speaker of the House of Representatives and his appointment as Ambassador to Spain where he continued to interest himself in the activities of government and non‐government drug programs. Harry spent some 25 years serving State and Federal politics before his retirement. He was the Patron of the Australian Lions Drug Awareness Foundation for many years. For the past 25 years he had been progressively disabled with Motor Neurone Disease and was latterly confined to a wheelchair. He was an active Club Officer and continued to carry out speaking engagements until near his death, with the support of his wife, Wendy, who is also a Past District Governor.
Australian Lions Wellbeing Foundation – James McLardie Award
Click here to search and/or download the latest James McLardie Award Recipients
Visit for more information
JAMES McLARDIE AWARD ‐ Lion James (Jim) McLardie OAM (d.2002)
Lion Jim joined Lions in 1958 in the Lions Club of Bondi. In 1960 Jim was chosen by the then Director General of Lions, Roy Keaton, to serve as Australian Secretary for Lions Clubs International. He was to serve in that position through a tremendous growth period, over 1000 Lions Clubs, for Lions in Australia.
Lion Jim was instrumental in commencing many of Lions Australia’s projects over the many years he was involved. These included Lion Mints and Christmas Cakes, which today are major fundraisers for Lions Clubs. In addition, he initiated the expansion of the Odyssey House Drug Rehabilitation Programme and was at the forefront of starting the Australian Lions Drug Awareness Foundation back in the early eighties.
Lion Jim could motivate and inspire people as few can through his words, through his passion and through his innate empathy for those around him.
He passed away in May 2002 and is survived by his wife Marjorie and three children, Joanne, Greg and Lynne.
The Follow Your Dream Foundation – Australia FELLOWSHIP AWARD
Click here to search and/or download the latest Follow Your Dream Fellowship Award Recipients
Lions Clubs International –
All correspondence to:
Secretary General
The Follow Your Dream Foundation – Australia
4 Pepperina Place, Carlingford NSW 2118
To support disadvantaged children and women here in Australia, particularly in the areas of education, health and hardship.
Thank you for your support of A$500 or more, for which you will be presented with an inscribed, “The Follow Your Dream Foundation – Australia FELLOWSHIP AWARD” Crystal Plaque
The Projects that TFYDFA has committed to support are:
To support LCIF in celebration of Lions Australia 75th Anniversary at Wenty Leagues Club:
- The Board Trustees of TFYDFA along with their supporters made the donation $16,500 to LCIF in celebration of Lions Australia 75th Anniversary on 26th September 2022.
- Some Fellow Lions of Sydney Follow Your Dream Lions Club made the donation $18,100 to LCIF in celebration of Lions Australia 75th Anniversary on 26th September 2022.
- Another donation $4,800 contributed by a few Fellow Lions of Sydney Follow Your Dream Lions Club for LCIF in celebration the New Clubs Combined Charter Night on 26th May 2023.
- $2,000 for Project Thomas Garcia, a 3 and half year old who is autistic and non-verbal.
Co-hosted the fundraising event via social media with Sydney Follow Your Dream Lions Club for the following beneficiaries:
- $4,230 for Persatuan Penganut Agama Buddha Shan Dao in Malaysia for buying thousand tons of rice for the hungers with COVID-19.
- $3,970 to replace 7 computers for Changzhou Primary School in China due to severe flood damaged the school with 60 years of history.
- $3,113.20 for Australian Childhood Cancer Research Foundation in support of the Coin Line Challenge World Guinness Record.
- $6,650 for Australian Lions Foundation for helping out the victims of Australian Flood.
- $310 for The Rev. Bill Crews Foundation to provide free meals to the homeless and hunger duration of the pandemic.
- $100 for West Pennant Hills Cherrybrook Lions Club in support of Recipes Book for Fish & Loaves Restaurant for homeless and hungry people.
- $2,000 for Caringkids to buy the toys for the kids in support of toy box service.
- $1,000 for Sutherland Shire Family Services for prevention of domestic violence.
- $1,000 for the Davy Family in support of their daily needs care of Lions Club of Parramatta in November 2019.
- In memory of late Henry Cheung, $2,000 donation by Lion Pearl Lin and fellow Lions of Sydney Follow Your Dream Lions Club for Nan Tien Buddhist Temple University at Wollongong in support of the education for the youth.
- $4,000 for “Fa’avae Leadership Program”. The program is run as a partnership between NSW Police Force, Sutherland PCYC, Project Youth, Sutherland Shire Council and volunteers from within the Pacific Island and Maori community.
- $20,000 for Taree Lions Club drought assistance.
- $300 for Macquarie University Motor Neurone Disease (MND) Research Centre in support of teams of firefighters’ race to climb all 1504 stairs (98 floors) of the Sydney Tower Eye.
- $1,300 for Australian Lions Children’s Mobility Foundation (to match the donation of $650 with Sydney Follow Your Dream Lions Club for ALCMF).
- $2,500 for district 201N3 Diabetes Foundation for co-hosted the fundraising event with Sydney Follow Your Dream Lions Club for NSW bushfires Rural Fire Services in December 2019 and February 2020.
beneficiaries are as follows:
- $3,000 for two deceased volunteer firefighters’ families
G. Keaton & A. O ‘Dwyer. - $3,000 for LCIF to purchase the super water tank.
- $3,500 for Rainbow Flat Rural Fire Brigade.
- $500 for Madam Cecelia Lee of Chinese Opera to support the charity show for NSW Rural Fire Service.
- $10,020 for NSW Rural Fire Services care of Chinese Opera Charity Show & Salvation Army at Hurstville Civic Hall.
- Sponsorship us$5,000 by Madam Amy Ha in memory of Lion Dr William Chiu for China Council of Lions Clubs hosted by then LCI ‘the second session of essay contest of china visual impaired children” on the topic of “the future of peace” in 2018-2019.
- $3,000 for project youth incorporated in support of Fa’avae Leadership Program.
- $4,600 for scot netball club to help two Australian children have autism disorder to go to Fiji.
- Sponsorship us$5,000 by Madam Amy Ha in memory of Lion Dr. William Chiu for China Council of Lions Clubs hosted by then LCI ‘the first session of essay contest of china visual impaired children on the topic of “The Future Of Peace” in 2017-2018.
- $6,000 for Dyslexia Camps in South Australia (project cancelled).
- $5,000 for assistance to a young boy “Jack” Timmins family in Western Sydney who is an autistic.
- $5,000 to support Samatha Sturgess, an optometry student at Cairns University.
- $6,116 for development of training the Cantonese Opera in memory of Lion Ruth Chong by SFYDLC.
- $500 donation by Madam Amy Ha in support of diabetes awareness in memory of Lion Dr William Chiu.
- $3,000 for women’s shelter in Maitland NSW.
- $500 to support Norfolk Island school debating team to Sydney.
- $10,000 for district Q2 to support the birthing mums in PNG.
- $5,000 for Lisa Harnum Foundation supports and empowers families affected by domestic violence.
- $5,000 for Autism Community Network to provide scholarships to children, young people or adults with complex needs to access educational programs.
- $75,000 to support 100 families in some “Smart Indian Villages”.
- $2,160 for Girl Guides SA INC. As 3 days school camping in Leigh Creek SA.
- $5,000 to assist and support non-verbal autistic young children to speak (kids communicate project).
- $5,000 for McGrath Foundation (breast cancer).
- $5,000 for St. Ives Lions Club to support the funding for manual wheelchairs.
- $220,000 donation by Madam Amy Ha and fellow lions to support Lion Dr William Chiu Scholarship Foundation for University of Western Sydney.
- $20,000 for Nepal earthquake rehabilitation.
- $4,000 for sponsoring the concert of “Reaching for The Star” hosted by Chinese Parent’s Association Children with Disabilities Inc.
- $5,000 to support Australian Lions Childhood Cancer Research Foundation (ALCCRF).
- $18,000 to support 220 children’s feeding program in India for disadvantaged school children for a period of 9 months.
- $6,525 to replace 15 computers for Dungog High School in Maitland NSW Australia.
- $7,500 donated to 100 Indian families and beginning of the micro economics project for 100 sewing machines to 100 women.
- to support disadvantaged children and women here in Australia, particularly in the areas of education, health and hardship.
- to assist other not for profit organisations who implement programs to meet the above objective of assisting disadvantaged women and children.
These scholarships are to assist families who cannot afford to fund their child to a university.
All scholarships will go to the university of western Sydney, for bachelor programs on behalf of the chosen scholars within the following areas of study: medicine, dentistry, pharmacy, law, teaching, architecture etc.
All students who receive the scholarships will become “Youth Ambassadors” for The Follow Your Dream Foundation – Australia. They will help in distributing and sharing information about the foundation whenever the opportunity arises through their daily activities.
Australian Lions Hearing Dogs – Helen Keller Fellowship
Click here to search and/or download the latest Helen Keller Fellowship recipients.
Established in 2008, the Helen Keller Fellowship acknowledges outstanding contributions in community service of it’s recipients.
The Fellowship is named after Helen Keller who advocated throughout her life for the rights of all people with disabilities, especially those who were deaf, blind or deafblind. Helen Keller has a strong connection to Lions Clubs International, where at a speech to the International Convention in 1925 she challenged Lions to become “knights of the blind in the crusade against darkness.” Helen Keller Fellowship recipients are awarded a brass plaque on a wooden base and a lapel pin in acknowledgement of their award. Enquiries regarding Helen Keller Fellowships can be made to
Lions Eye Health Program‐Australia
Dr Bob Coulthard is one of the best known and respected members of our organisation in Australia and Overseas.
“Dr Bob” as he is fondly referred to, is an unequalled source of information on the International scene having been a regular at Conventions, forums and similar gatherings since the mid ‘80’s.
Bob Coulthard joined the Lions Club of Marion SA in 1963 and has served four terms as President. He was District Governor of S3 in 1982‐83 and Council Chairman the following year. In 1965 he began over 30 years’ Save Sight activities when he helped organise the first major
Lions sight project in South Australia – a week long programme of glaucoma screenings and education about preventable blindness.
Bob introduced amblyopia (‘lazy eye’) screening to Adelaide kindergartens in 1971, later extended throughout SA and NT. Through the next 15 years he conducted regular screenings for clubs in several districts with over 600,000 tests being completed in that time. The Lions Professorial Chair of Ophthalmology at Flinders University is largely a result of his leadership in helping to raise $400,000 to endow that appointment.
Bob was elected to the Lions International Board in 1988, and at his first board meeting he put forward a plan to establish a global sight conservation programme – now known as SightFirst, one of the largest sight related projects in the world.
In 1988 Bob was made a Member of the Order of Australia “for his services to the Lions Save Sight Foundation, both in Australia and Internationally, since 1965”
Once LEHP‐Australia expanded nationally Bob was the inaugural SA Coordinator and subsequently Deputy Chairman, serving in those roles for many years. In honour of Dr Bob’s contribution to LEHP and all sight related programs, LEHP‐Australia has instituted this award. A donation of $1000.00 to LEHP‐Australia enables the donor to request the award for presentation to a worthy recipient.
Contact details for those wishing to make a donation:
The Treasurer Lions Eye Health Program‐Australia,
PDG Bill Duncanson PO Box 86 Camperdown Vic 3260
Application form can be found on the website:
Award No 1 was presented to Dr Bob Coulthard himself by LEHP National Committee at the 2010 Mildura MD Convention

Lions Healthcare Heroes

Lions come together to help Elmore Village

Kingborough Lions Make Significant Donation to Childhood Cancer Research

Coogee Lions Club President taking on the World’s Highest Marathon for Lions

Lions send Care Packs to Ukrainian Refugees with Diabetes

75th Anniversary – Snapshots from our founding years.

Lions honoured with Order of Australia (OAM)

Diversity, Inclusion & Lions Clubs

Lions go above and beyond to help communities impacted by Wooroloo bushfire

Lions to celebrate special four-legged friends this month

Haymes Paint stores and Lions Clubs host BBQ’s with a difference

Lions and Leo Club Win Kindness Matters Service Awards

Lions Club of Gawler lighting the way for the 75th Anniversary!

Gloucester’s ‘Shoehorn Man’ a local Lions hero

Katamatite Lions fund huge Silo Art Project

3 International Awards for Lions Australia – Peace Poster Contest and Kindness Matters Service Award

Two special ceremonies for Kellyville Lions

Sydney Welcomes International Runners for Lions Charity Run

Lions Australia Welcomes International President Fabrício Oliveira to Sydney

Lions Mobile Skin Cancer Van Stops in at Vermont South Bunnings

Australia’s favourite Christmas Cakes are back

Lions are on a mission to cure childhood cancer

Warrandyte Lions Club Wins Top Club Service Project Award

Photographer Showcases the Community Spirit of Storm-Ravaged Trentham

One step closer to Zero Childhood Cancer thanks to Lions

Past International President Brian Sheehan Visits the Sunshine Coast

Q2’s Marathon Eye Screening Trip

Lions Restore Indigenous Cultural Site

Yarrawonga Lions sew over 40,000 turbans for cancer patients

Lions Lap the Map for Diabetes 7 Times for World Diabetes Day

Lions Hit the Catwalk for a Good Cause

Lions Biggest High Tea for Childhood Cancer Research

Lions Club celebrates 20 Year Milestone

Narooma Lions upgrade BBQ trailer to assist in disaster relief

Mackay Lions Rock, Pop and Mime for 40 Years

Torquay Lions are ‘Better Together’

Lions Clubs Join to Sponsor Hearing Assistance Dog

Lions Chemo Caps for Cancer Patients

The business of kindness on Free Trade Day

A piece of cake…

A trip down Lions Road

A message of hope for Northern NSW as it sees more rain

Lions sponsor camp for Victorian flood victims

Lions another step closer to eliminating Childhood Cancer

Lions reach major milestone for melanoma research

Lions Eye Health Program’s big year

Lions fire up the BBQ to feed the hungry on public holiday

Lions Hay Run Helps Lift Spirits for Farmers

Gympie South Lions to the rescue for flood victim facing $7k fine

Australian Lions Wellbeing Foundation Chair Honoured for 38 Years of Dedication

Lions are there every step of the way in Flood Recovery

Lions named 2025 ACT Senior Australians of The Year

Lions provide a little Christmas joy to NSW flood victims

Lions Free Skin Checks Make a Difference

Life after Leos

Lions’ Second-hand Furniture Store Reopens in Clare

Lions Recycle for Sight Project touching lives in Papua New Guinea

ALCMF Featured on WIN NEWS

Lions Club Supports NSW Nurses with Scholarship

Lions Club of Whitford Donates to Mobile Laundry Van

Local School thanks Lions for Flood Relief Support

International Peace Poster Contest Winner Presented with Award

Rosewood Lions Club Give Back to the Elderly

A seat to support mental health

Lions Sponsor Story Dogs to Boost Kids’ Reading

Lions Save Sight Foundation Celebrates Milestone Anniversary

The future of Lions Australia

The Countdown is on – Lions Mini-Convention starts soon!

Lions Receive International Acknowledgement For Overseas Aid

Preschool donates $10,000 to ALF National Flood Appeal

Lions volunteers across Australia are mobilising for flood relief

Disaster Relief Australia wins Australian Charity Award

A Life Well Lived for 101 Year Old Lion Maria

Lions Team Up with Canberra Baseball Team to Support Homeless Community

Lions and Disaster Relief Australia Unite for Flood Recovery Effort

Free Trade Day offers a lifeline as cost of living crisis hits hard

‘Made with Love’ by Tamborine Mountain Lions

Tewantin Noosa Lions Club Celebrates Milestone By Helping Those In Need

Lions provide warmth and comfort to palliative care patients

Lions to support the 10-year-old Gold Coast helicopter crash victim

Lions Bushfire Relief in Queensland

Disaster Relief Australia Launch New Initiative

Lion Karen Feeds the Multitude

Local Lions volunteers supporting Diabetic Ukrainian refugees

School is in session – International Peace Poster Contest

Lions volunteers plant 75 gardens for 75 years

Valentine Lions Club Wins Top Club Service Project Award

Echuca Lions Club donate to local cancer centre

Heartbreak behind Lions mission of mercy

MD201’s Kindness Matters Service Award winner announced

How Lions Uses Music To Aid The Young

Hundreds of tradies give up their time to help people in need

Walking towards a cure for diabetes

Lions help 10-year-old Huddy Glubb get to World Dwarf Games in Germany

Lions volunteers mobilise to support flood affected communities

Manly Lions Club Wins Top Club Service Project Award for Sunsquirt Station

Lions appoints Deborah Hutton as Ambassador for Skin Cancer Screening Program

Wangi Lions Club’s Festival Celebrates its 45th Year

Tewantin Noosa’s Courageous Children

Lions bring dignity to the homeless

Lions rally behind Sari-Elle’s Everest challenge for Australian Lions Foundation

WA Lions Celebrate 60 Years at Parliament House

Lions Club of Quilters Victoria stitches the world together

Lions Band Together for Bushfire and Drought Benefit

Her Excellency Congratulates Lions Medical Research Foundation Scholarship Recipient

A special dog to assist Australians with Diabetes

Lions in Western Australia shine a light on suicide prevention

Gilbert Valley Lions Club Supports Local School

International Peace Poster Contest Merit Award Winner 2022-23 Announced

When the smoke clears, Lions are still there

Vision-impaired get ‘In the Driver’s Seat’

Lions Fund Vital New Foodbank Delivery Van

Donvale Lions Club Supports Local School Students

Lions Foundation doing a bloody good job

Lion treks from Darwin to Adelaide for a good cause

Sydney Lions are supporting Ukrainian refugees and they need your help

Wheelers Hill Lions Club’s Novel Idea

Australia’s favourite Christmas cake has inspired a song

Lions to climb Mt. Kenya for kids in Tanzania

Lions Winter Sleepout for Mental Health Awareness

Read for Ukraine – Lions support Ukrainian Refugees

Keep an eye out for a pride of Lions in your community in coming weeks

Lions Donate Vital Medical Equipment To Local Hospital

Lions volunteers give the gift of education to young non-verbal autistic boy

Turban Angels brighten the lives of cancer patients

Adamstown Lions auctioning artworks for hope

Belmont Lions Club Support Local Homeless Community
Awards & Recognition
/in /by Elise MurrellOur members enjoy acknowledging the service and commitment of their colleagues. Awards represent a donation to our humanitarian causes in the name of a valued member.
Personalised Certificates
Members can use the Award Database to search for an individual and download a list of awards in their name, or to print a personalised certificate showing these awards.
Click here to search our Award Database
Please note this database will be updated periodically as information becomes available from the Foundations and Projects. But please understand we do not want to spoil any surprises so they may be a delay in the information available.
If you know of a Lion whose enthusiasm, ingenuity and resourcefulness has made a difference, please contact to share their story.
For more information on the individual awards, please scroll down to the tabs below…

LCIF – Melvin Jones Fellowship
Click here to search and/or download the latest MJF Recipients.
“Once in every generation or era a man appears and in his fleeting hour upon this stage leaves an indelible imprint upon the lives of his fellow men, and upon generations yet to come. Such a man was Melvin Jones. All over the world today he is the symbol of man’s concern for his fellow man” – Finis E Davis, International President at the time of the death of Melvin Jones, the founder of Lions.
The Melvin Jones Fellowship may be used to recognise outstanding Lions or members of the general public who have made a significant
contribution to Lionism.
Approval for a Melvin Jones Fellowship is made by the Lions Clubs International Foundation Board and the following list is current as at April 2022
Any queries should be directed to: Lions Australia National Office –
Australian Lions Foundation – Hall of Fame
Click here to search and/or download the latest Hall of Fame list
Visit for more information.
These Lions have been admitted into the Australian Lions Foundation Hall of Fame in recognition of their exceptional service to the Lions Organisation and the Community
Australian Lions Foundation – William R Tresise Fellowship Award
Click here to search and/or download the latest William R Tresise Fellowship Award Recipients.
Visit for more information.
As a National President of’ Apex in 1946, Bill unsuccessfully proposed the establishment of the Past Apexian Association, but being a determined fellow, he decided to establish one of the American Service clubs in Australia. Whilst in the USA in 1947 to attend the World Conference of Young Men’s Service Clubs, in which Apex was affiliated, he first met with the Executive Officers of the Kiwanis Association, then later with Past President Fred Smith and Melvin Jones of Lions Clubs International. From them he gained a contract to establish Lions Clubs in Australia. With the title of the Provisional District Governor, and financial support, he returned to Australia and formed the Lions Club of Lismore on July 12, 1947. The Lions Club of Murwillumbah followed in August 1948, but it was not until March 19, 1952 that the third Club, the Lions Club of Melbourne, was established.
Bill, who was in the timber hardware business, was active in politics, particularly at local government level. His eloquence and charm left an indelible impression on all with whom he came into contact. He served as District Governor in 1962-63. William R Tresise is recognised as the Founder of Lions in Australia. In honour of this, the Australian Lions Foundation has instituted the William R. Tresise Fellowship. A donation of $2,000 to the Foundation enables the donor to request this Award for presentation to a worthy recipient.
Australian Lions Foundation – Ian M Stockdale Humanitarian Award
Click here to search and/or download the latest Ian M Stockdale Humanitarian Award Recipients.
Visit for more information.
IAN M. STOCKDALE MBE (1921 – 1999)
Ian Stockdale was one of the most popular and respected members of our organisation. He was a true Christian gentleman who devoted his life to ensuring a bright future for others.
In 1941 Ian enlisted and served in New Guinea with the AIF and spent months in the Repatriation Hospital before returning to the real estate business. He married Lions Lady Rae in 1946 and, following travels to the USA where youth camps were commonplace; his love and concern for children and their future become one of his strong characteristics.
Ian served as District Governor of District 201M in 1969-70, as International Director from 1976 to 1978, and was awarded one of the Association’s highest awards, The Ambassador of Goodwill. In 1979 he was awarded the MBE.
Lions Licola Village was created from Ian’s ability to clearly visualise an opportunity and was purchased and converted to the facility as we know it today through his untiring work for the youth of the nation. In honour of his work, the Australian Lions Foundation has instituted the Ian M Stockade Humanitarian Award. A donation of $1,000 to the Foundation enables the donor to request this Award for presentation to a worthy recipient.
Australian Lions Foundation – James D Richardson Award
Click here to search and/or download the latest James D Richardson Award recipients.
Visit for more information.
Jim Richardson was one of the most beloved and respected members of Lions in the formative years of the Association in Australia. He served in the Royal Australian Air force during the 1939‐45 world war before establishing himself in the Brunswick ‐ Mullumbimby area of New South Wales. Jim was the second District Governor to be elected in Australia in 1956‐57 and the first Australian to serve as a Director on the International Board of Directors in 1958. He was recognised internationally for his magnificent oratory, which held people spellbound at conventions and gatherings of Lions. The growth of new clubs (fifty‐two) during his year as District Governor was never approached again by any District Governor.
The demands he placed upon himself meant that he travelled enormous distances by road so that he could visit all his Clubs, attend to Association and other business, as well as run his hotel with the great support of his wife Pam. Jim suffered a Cerebral Thrombosis whilst attending the International Board meeting in New Orleans in 1959 and although he recovered after a long convalescence, he had lost his capacity to speak. He was never capable of carrying on a conversation or making a speech but continued to work for Lions at club level and attended conventions. James D. Richardson BEM was one of the most dedicated and respected early leaders of Lions in Australia. In recognition of him being our first Australian International Director, the Australian Lions Foundation has instituted the James D Richardson Honour Award. A donation of $500 to the Foundation enables the donor to request this Award for presentation to a worthy recipient.
Australian Lions Wellbeing Foundation -Dr Harry Jenkins Fellow
Click here to search and/or download the latest Dr Harry Jenkins Fellow Recipients
Visit for more information
Harry joined Lions in 1961 as the Charter President of the Lions Club of Preston. He was elected District Governor of District 201F for the year 1968/69. He is a Life Member of Lions Clubs International, a Life Member of Multiple District 201 Past District Governors Association and a Melvin Jones Fellow. He has received a James D Richardson Award for Membership Development as District Governor. Harry has served as District Chairperson in a number of capacities, Membership Extension, Health and Welfare, Save Sight and Renal Dialysis. During the 1970’s he was, for some years, District Drug Awareness Chairperson and Chairperson of the Multiple District Committee on Drugs. In the latter part of the 1970’s he was a major supporter of forming a Lions Drug Foundation. To this end he received an invitation from International President Ebb Grindstaff to join the “Blue Ribbon” Committee and in 1983 attended a meeting of the International Committee on Drugs held in Chicago.
In 1983 Australian Lions formed an association with a non‐government national organisation, the Australian Foundation on Alcoholism and Drug Dependence. Harry served as Foundation Chairperson until his resignation as Speaker of the House of Representatives and his appointment as Ambassador to Spain where he continued to interest himself in the activities of government and non‐government drug programs. Harry spent some 25 years serving State and Federal politics before his retirement. He was the Patron of the Australian Lions Drug Awareness Foundation for many years. For the past 25 years he had been progressively disabled with Motor Neurone Disease and was latterly confined to a wheelchair. He was an active Club Officer and continued to carry out speaking engagements until near his death, with the support of his wife, Wendy, who is also a Past District Governor.
Australian Lions Wellbeing Foundation – James McLardie Award
Click here to search and/or download the latest James McLardie Award Recipients
Visit for more information
JAMES McLARDIE AWARD ‐ Lion James (Jim) McLardie OAM (d.2002)
Lion Jim joined Lions in 1958 in the Lions Club of Bondi. In 1960 Jim was chosen by the then Director General of Lions, Roy Keaton, to serve as Australian Secretary for Lions Clubs International. He was to serve in that position through a tremendous growth period, over 1000 Lions Clubs, for Lions in Australia.
Lion Jim was instrumental in commencing many of Lions Australia’s projects over the many years he was involved. These included Lion Mints and Christmas Cakes, which today are major fundraisers for Lions Clubs. In addition, he initiated the expansion of the Odyssey House Drug Rehabilitation Programme and was at the forefront of starting the Australian Lions Drug Awareness Foundation back in the early eighties.
Lion Jim could motivate and inspire people as few can through his words, through his passion and through his innate empathy for those around him.
He passed away in May 2002 and is survived by his wife Marjorie and three children, Joanne, Greg and Lynne.
The Follow Your Dream Foundation – Australia FELLOWSHIP AWARD
Click here to search and/or download the latest Follow Your Dream Fellowship Award Recipients
Lions Clubs International –
All correspondence to:
Secretary General
The Follow Your Dream Foundation – Australia
4 Pepperina Place, Carlingford NSW 2118
To support disadvantaged children and women here in Australia, particularly in the areas of education, health and hardship.
Thank you for your support of A$500 or more, for which you will be presented with an inscribed, “The Follow Your Dream Foundation – Australia FELLOWSHIP AWARD” Crystal Plaque
The Projects that TFYDFA has committed to support are:
To support LCIF in celebration of Lions Australia 75th Anniversary at Wenty Leagues Club:
- The Board Trustees of TFYDFA along with their supporters made the donation $16,500 to LCIF in celebration of Lions Australia 75th Anniversary on 26th September 2022.
- Some Fellow Lions of Sydney Follow Your Dream Lions Club made the donation $18,100 to LCIF in celebration of Lions Australia 75th Anniversary on 26th September 2022.
- Another donation $4,800 contributed by a few Fellow Lions of Sydney Follow Your Dream Lions Club for LCIF in celebration the New Clubs Combined Charter Night on 26th May 2023.
- $2,000 for Project Thomas Garcia, a 3 and half year old who is autistic and non-verbal.
Co-hosted the fundraising event via social media with Sydney Follow Your Dream Lions Club for the following beneficiaries:
- $4,230 for Persatuan Penganut Agama Buddha Shan Dao in Malaysia for buying thousand tons of rice for the hungers with COVID-19.
- $3,970 to replace 7 computers for Changzhou Primary School in China due to severe flood damaged the school with 60 years of history.
- $3,113.20 for Australian Childhood Cancer Research Foundation in support of the Coin Line Challenge World Guinness Record.
- $6,650 for Australian Lions Foundation for helping out the victims of Australian Flood.
- $310 for The Rev. Bill Crews Foundation to provide free meals to the homeless and hunger duration of the pandemic.
- $100 for West Pennant Hills Cherrybrook Lions Club in support of Recipes Book for Fish & Loaves Restaurant for homeless and hungry people.
- $2,000 for Caringkids to buy the toys for the kids in support of toy box service.
- $1,000 for Sutherland Shire Family Services for prevention of domestic violence.
- $1,000 for the Davy Family in support of their daily needs care of Lions Club of Parramatta in November 2019.
- In memory of late Henry Cheung, $2,000 donation by Lion Pearl Lin and fellow Lions of Sydney Follow Your Dream Lions Club for Nan Tien Buddhist Temple University at Wollongong in support of the education for the youth.
- $4,000 for “Fa’avae Leadership Program”. The program is run as a partnership between NSW Police Force, Sutherland PCYC, Project Youth, Sutherland Shire Council and volunteers from within the Pacific Island and Maori community.
- $20,000 for Taree Lions Club drought assistance.
- $300 for Macquarie University Motor Neurone Disease (MND) Research Centre in support of teams of firefighters’ race to climb all 1504 stairs (98 floors) of the Sydney Tower Eye.
- $1,300 for Australian Lions Children’s Mobility Foundation (to match the donation of $650 with Sydney Follow Your Dream Lions Club for ALCMF).
- $2,500 for district 201N3 Diabetes Foundation for co-hosted the fundraising event with Sydney Follow Your Dream Lions Club for NSW bushfires Rural Fire Services in December 2019 and February 2020.
beneficiaries are as follows:
- $3,000 for two deceased volunteer firefighters’ families
G. Keaton & A. O ‘Dwyer. - $3,000 for LCIF to purchase the super water tank.
- $3,500 for Rainbow Flat Rural Fire Brigade.
- $500 for Madam Cecelia Lee of Chinese Opera to support the charity show for NSW Rural Fire Service.
- $10,020 for NSW Rural Fire Services care of Chinese Opera Charity Show & Salvation Army at Hurstville Civic Hall.
- Sponsorship us$5,000 by Madam Amy Ha in memory of Lion Dr William Chiu for China Council of Lions Clubs hosted by then LCI ‘the second session of essay contest of china visual impaired children” on the topic of “the future of peace” in 2018-2019.
- $3,000 for project youth incorporated in support of Fa’avae Leadership Program.
- $4,600 for scot netball club to help two Australian children have autism disorder to go to Fiji.
- Sponsorship us$5,000 by Madam Amy Ha in memory of Lion Dr. William Chiu for China Council of Lions Clubs hosted by then LCI ‘the first session of essay contest of china visual impaired children on the topic of “The Future Of Peace” in 2017-2018.
- $6,000 for Dyslexia Camps in South Australia (project cancelled).
- $5,000 for assistance to a young boy “Jack” Timmins family in Western Sydney who is an autistic.
- $5,000 to support Samatha Sturgess, an optometry student at Cairns University.
- $6,116 for development of training the Cantonese Opera in memory of Lion Ruth Chong by SFYDLC.
- $500 donation by Madam Amy Ha in support of diabetes awareness in memory of Lion Dr William Chiu.
- $3,000 for women’s shelter in Maitland NSW.
- $500 to support Norfolk Island school debating team to Sydney.
- $10,000 for district Q2 to support the birthing mums in PNG.
- $5,000 for Lisa Harnum Foundation supports and empowers families affected by domestic violence.
- $5,000 for Autism Community Network to provide scholarships to children, young people or adults with complex needs to access educational programs.
- $75,000 to support 100 families in some “Smart Indian Villages”.
- $2,160 for Girl Guides SA INC. As 3 days school camping in Leigh Creek SA.
- $5,000 to assist and support non-verbal autistic young children to speak (kids communicate project).
- $5,000 for McGrath Foundation (breast cancer).
- $5,000 for St. Ives Lions Club to support the funding for manual wheelchairs.
- $220,000 donation by Madam Amy Ha and fellow lions to support Lion Dr William Chiu Scholarship Foundation for University of Western Sydney.
- $20,000 for Nepal earthquake rehabilitation.
- $4,000 for sponsoring the concert of “Reaching for The Star” hosted by Chinese Parent’s Association Children with Disabilities Inc.
- $5,000 to support Australian Lions Childhood Cancer Research Foundation (ALCCRF).
- $18,000 to support 220 children’s feeding program in India for disadvantaged school children for a period of 9 months.
- $6,525 to replace 15 computers for Dungog High School in Maitland NSW Australia.
- $7,500 donated to 100 Indian families and beginning of the micro economics project for 100 sewing machines to 100 women.
- to support disadvantaged children and women here in Australia, particularly in the areas of education, health and hardship.
- to assist other not for profit organisations who implement programs to meet the above objective of assisting disadvantaged women and children.
These scholarships are to assist families who cannot afford to fund their child to a university.
All scholarships will go to the university of western Sydney, for bachelor programs on behalf of the chosen scholars within the following areas of study: medicine, dentistry, pharmacy, law, teaching, architecture etc.
All students who receive the scholarships will become “Youth Ambassadors” for The Follow Your Dream Foundation – Australia. They will help in distributing and sharing information about the foundation whenever the opportunity arises through their daily activities.
Australian Lions Hearing Dogs – Helen Keller Fellowship
Click here to search and/or download the latest Helen Keller Fellowship recipients.
Established in 2008, the Helen Keller Fellowship acknowledges outstanding contributions in community service of it’s recipients.
The Fellowship is named after Helen Keller who advocated throughout her life for the rights of all people with disabilities, especially those who were deaf, blind or deafblind. Helen Keller has a strong connection to Lions Clubs International, where at a speech to the International Convention in 1925 she challenged Lions to become “knights of the blind in the crusade against darkness.” Helen Keller Fellowship recipients are awarded a brass plaque on a wooden base and a lapel pin in acknowledgement of their award. Enquiries regarding Helen Keller Fellowships can be made to
Lions Eye Health Program‐Australia
Dr Bob Coulthard is one of the best known and respected members of our organisation in Australia and Overseas.
“Dr Bob” as he is fondly referred to, is an unequalled source of information on the International scene having been a regular at Conventions, forums and similar gatherings since the mid ‘80’s.
Bob Coulthard joined the Lions Club of Marion SA in 1963 and has served four terms as President. He was District Governor of S3 in 1982‐83 and Council Chairman the following year. In 1965 he began over 30 years’ Save Sight activities when he helped organise the first major
Lions sight project in South Australia – a week long programme of glaucoma screenings and education about preventable blindness.
Bob introduced amblyopia (‘lazy eye’) screening to Adelaide kindergartens in 1971, later extended throughout SA and NT. Through the next 15 years he conducted regular screenings for clubs in several districts with over 600,000 tests being completed in that time. The Lions Professorial Chair of Ophthalmology at Flinders University is largely a result of his leadership in helping to raise $400,000 to endow that appointment.
Bob was elected to the Lions International Board in 1988, and at his first board meeting he put forward a plan to establish a global sight conservation programme – now known as SightFirst, one of the largest sight related projects in the world.
In 1988 Bob was made a Member of the Order of Australia “for his services to the Lions Save Sight Foundation, both in Australia and Internationally, since 1965”
Once LEHP‐Australia expanded nationally Bob was the inaugural SA Coordinator and subsequently Deputy Chairman, serving in those roles for many years. In honour of Dr Bob’s contribution to LEHP and all sight related programs, LEHP‐Australia has instituted this award. A donation of $1000.00 to LEHP‐Australia enables the donor to request the award for presentation to a worthy recipient.
Contact details for those wishing to make a donation:
The Treasurer Lions Eye Health Program‐Australia,
PDG Bill Duncanson PO Box 86 Camperdown Vic 3260
Application form can be found on the website:
Award No 1 was presented to Dr Bob Coulthard himself by LEHP National Committee at the 2010 Mildura MD Convention

Yarrawonga Lions sew over 40,000 turbans for cancer patients

Lions Restore Indigenous Cultural Site

Lions volunteers give the gift of education to young non-verbal autistic boy

Lions Hit the Catwalk for a Good Cause

Australia’s favourite Christmas cake has inspired a song

Lions Club celebrates 20 Year Milestone

Lions rally behind Sari-Elle’s Everest challenge for Australian Lions Foundation

A piece of cake…

Hundreds of tradies give up their time to help people in need

3 International Awards for Lions Australia – Peace Poster Contest and Kindness Matters Service Award

Lions Free Skin Checks Make a Difference

Lions Save Sight Foundation Celebrates Milestone Anniversary

Gympie South Lions to the rescue for flood victim facing $7k fine

‘Made with Love’ by Tamborine Mountain Lions

Lions provide warmth and comfort to palliative care patients

Lions Recycle for Sight Project touching lives in Papua New Guinea

Turban Angels brighten the lives of cancer patients

Lions Receive International Acknowledgement For Overseas Aid

Photographer Showcases the Community Spirit of Storm-Ravaged Trentham

Lions provide a little Christmas joy to NSW flood victims

When the smoke clears, Lions are still there

Walking towards a cure for diabetes

Wangi Lions Club’s Festival Celebrates its 45th Year

International Peace Poster Contest Merit Award Winner 2022-23 Announced

Life after Leos

Lions reach major milestone for melanoma research

A trip down Lions Road

Lions are there every step of the way in Flood Recovery

Lions Team Up with Canberra Baseball Team to Support Homeless Community

Lions go above and beyond to help communities impacted by Wooroloo bushfire

MD201’s Kindness Matters Service Award winner announced

Two special ceremonies for Kellyville Lions

A Life Well Lived for 101 Year Old Lion Maria

WA Lions Celebrate 60 Years at Parliament House

A special dog to assist Australians with Diabetes

Lion Karen Feeds the Multitude

Lions come together to help Elmore Village

A seat to support mental health

Lions Clubs Join to Sponsor Hearing Assistance Dog

Donvale Lions Club Supports Local School Students

Lion treks from Darwin to Adelaide for a good cause

Lions Eye Health Program’s big year

Wheelers Hill Lions Club’s Novel Idea

Lions sponsor camp for Victorian flood victims

Manly Lions Club Wins Top Club Service Project Award for Sunsquirt Station

Lions Foundation doing a bloody good job

Lions named 2025 ACT Senior Australians of The Year

Lions appoints Deborah Hutton as Ambassador for Skin Cancer Screening Program

Local School thanks Lions for Flood Relief Support

Lions in Western Australia shine a light on suicide prevention

Diversity, Inclusion & Lions Clubs

Q2’s Marathon Eye Screening Trip

Mackay Lions Rock, Pop and Mime for 40 Years

International Peace Poster Contest Winner Presented with Award

Australia’s favourite Christmas Cakes are back

Disaster Relief Australia wins Australian Charity Award

Lions to support the 10-year-old Gold Coast helicopter crash victim

Rosewood Lions Club Give Back to the Elderly

A message of hope for Northern NSW as it sees more rain

Vision-impaired get ‘In the Driver’s Seat’

Sydney Lions are supporting Ukrainian refugees and they need your help

Preschool donates $10,000 to ALF National Flood Appeal

Tewantin Noosa Lions Club Celebrates Milestone By Helping Those In Need

Gloucester’s ‘Shoehorn Man’ a local Lions hero

Coogee Lions Club President taking on the World’s Highest Marathon for Lions

Belmont Lions Club Support Local Homeless Community

Lions honoured with Order of Australia (OAM)

Torquay Lions are ‘Better Together’

Heartbreak behind Lions mission of mercy

Lions volunteers mobilise to support flood affected communities

Lions Lap the Map for Diabetes 7 Times for World Diabetes Day

School is in session – International Peace Poster Contest

Disaster Relief Australia Launch New Initiative

Sydney Welcomes International Runners for Lions Charity Run

Local Lions volunteers supporting Diabetic Ukrainian refugees

Lions Winter Sleepout for Mental Health Awareness

75th Anniversary – Snapshots from our founding years.

Lions Club of Quilters Victoria stitches the world together

Haymes Paint stores and Lions Clubs host BBQ’s with a difference

Lions to climb Mt. Kenya for kids in Tanzania

Lions volunteers plant 75 gardens for 75 years

The Countdown is on – Lions Mini-Convention starts soon!

Lions Hay Run Helps Lift Spirits for Farmers

Tewantin Noosa’s Courageous Children

Lions help 10-year-old Huddy Glubb get to World Dwarf Games in Germany

Lions Healthcare Heroes

The business of kindness on Free Trade Day

Lions Bushfire Relief in Queensland

Lions and Leo Club Win Kindness Matters Service Awards

Lions Sponsor Story Dogs to Boost Kids’ Reading

Echuca Lions Club donate to local cancer centre

ALCMF Featured on WIN NEWS

Lions to celebrate special four-legged friends this month

Lions Australia Welcomes International President Fabrício Oliveira to Sydney

Lions Mobile Skin Cancer Van Stops in at Vermont South Bunnings

Read for Ukraine – Lions support Ukrainian Refugees

Lions another step closer to eliminating Childhood Cancer

How Lions Uses Music To Aid The Young

Lions volunteers across Australia are mobilising for flood relief

Lions send Care Packs to Ukrainian Refugees with Diabetes

Lions Club of Gawler lighting the way for the 75th Anniversary!

Lions and Disaster Relief Australia Unite for Flood Recovery Effort

Katamatite Lions fund huge Silo Art Project

Lions Band Together for Bushfire and Drought Benefit

Lions Fund Vital New Foodbank Delivery Van

The future of Lions Australia

Lions Club of Whitford Donates to Mobile Laundry Van

Kingborough Lions Make Significant Donation to Childhood Cancer Research

Lions Club Supports NSW Nurses with Scholarship

Lions Biggest High Tea for Childhood Cancer Research

Keep an eye out for a pride of Lions in your community in coming weeks

Valentine Lions Club Wins Top Club Service Project Award

Lions bring dignity to the homeless

Lions Donate Vital Medical Equipment To Local Hospital

Lions Chemo Caps for Cancer Patients

Her Excellency Congratulates Lions Medical Research Foundation Scholarship Recipient

Warrandyte Lions Club Wins Top Club Service Project Award

Narooma Lions upgrade BBQ trailer to assist in disaster relief

Australian Lions Wellbeing Foundation Chair Honoured for 38 Years of Dedication

Lions’ Second-hand Furniture Store Reopens in Clare

Adamstown Lions auctioning artworks for hope

Gilbert Valley Lions Club Supports Local School

Free Trade Day offers a lifeline as cost of living crisis hits hard

Lions fire up the BBQ to feed the hungry on public holiday

Lions are on a mission to cure childhood cancer

One step closer to Zero Childhood Cancer thanks to Lions

Past International President Brian Sheehan Visits the Sunshine Coast
Lions Australia acknowledges the traditional owners of country throughout Australia, and their continuing connection to land, water and community. We pay our respects to them and their cultures, and to Elders both past and present.
© 2021 Lions Australia | Multiple District 201 of Lions Clubs International Inc ABN: 63 592 786 032 ARBN: 062 740 078 Site built by Gasoline Group
© 2021 Lions Australia
Multiple District 201 of Lions Clubs International Inc
ABN: 63 592 786 032 ARBN: 062 740 078
Site built by Gasoline Group