Kingborough Lions Make Significant Donation to Childhood Cancer Research

Photo L – R: Kingborough Lions Eric Madsen, DGE Paul Cairnduff, Mary Cairnduff, PDG Hester van Niekerk and Chair ALCCRF PDG Ron Skeen.
The Lions Club of Kingborough presented $86,500 to the Australian Lions Childhood Cancer Research Foundation (ALCCRF) at the 2022 National Convention. PDG Hester van Niekerk writes…
“…If it was my grandchild, I would want ‘light and hope’ at the end of the dark tunnel and only research will give this light and hope to a devastated family.
The Lions Club of Kingborough supports many projects and I asked……how can we promote the Lions Club, ALCCRF and raise funds? Forming partnerships was the answer”.
Since 2016 the Lions Club of Kingborough has donated over $86,500 to the ALCCRF. As part of their fundraising efforts, they have partnered up with a number of local businesses to reach this goal including:
• Management of their local Shopping Centre. This resulted in being asked to assist in many and various events such as assisting the Easter Bunny, dressing as the 3 witches at Halloween and assisting with children’s activities throughout the year.
They have also been doing Christmas Gift Wrapping for many years. Management provide everything needed for all events undertaken at no cost to the group.
• Professional cake decorator who agreed to ice the Lions 80g mini cakes to sell to schools, early childhood organisations and at their Christmas wrapping stall at the local shopping complex.
• Local shops who supplied toys and books to go into small raffles for children at their Christmas wrapping event.
• Local artists including a Master Artist who provided an original water colour work. This was sold with 100% of sale going to the ALCCRF.
• Local quilters who provided the group with quilts that are sold – and again 100% of sale going to the ALCCRF.
• Local newspaper who kindly allowed editorials promoting their activities and events.
“Our only cost is that of the mini cakes, but in exchange for the support we recognise our sponsors, promote Lions and ALCCRF…helping hands from members, partners and friends is what goes towards increasing the ‘light’ and search for a cure,” says PDG Hester.
Well done to the Kingborough Lions Club for your dedication to such an important cause.
To find out more about how you can support the Australian Lions Childhood Cancer Research Foundation, click here.