Lions Hit the Catwalk for a Good Cause
Members of Adamstown Lions Club have scrubbed up nicely to raise much needed funds for the Australian Lions Foundation’s Flood Appeal.
Last year, Lion Judith Mulhearn suggested hosting a fashion show fundraiser at the Club’s board meeting after reading stories about homelessness and domestic violence in the local papers.
2021’s inaugural fashion show supported Jenny’s Place, a Newcastle-based organisation supporting women and children who are experiencing domestic violence and/or homelessness.
“It went so well, we decided to do it again,” said Mulhearn.
This year’s event was held in mid-June and saw Lions modelling ponchos, blazers and bowties as attendees drank champagne and enjoyed cake.
A Lion modelling in the fashion parade
“We had a mix of our club members and their friends, members of the public and members of other Lions Clubs in attendance,” said Mulhearn.
With the support of local businesses, who donated vouchers and goods for raffles and lucky door prizes, the Club was able to raise $4,500.
This money will go towards supporting those affected by the devastating floods in Southern Queensland and Northern New South Wales.
The Club will next be hosting a Spring fashion show in September.
You can keep up to date with Adamstown Lions Club here.