Two special ceremonies for Kellyville Lions

In a vibrant display of our community’s continuity and growth, a newcomer has been welcomed on the same night a long-standing Lion is honoured.

During a gathering for the Kellyville Lions Club on the 19th March 2024, District N5’s 1st Vice District Governor Genevieve Jeny, carried out two significant ceremonies.

L to R: Kellyville Lions President Paul Campbell, 1st VDG Genevieve Jeny, PDG Geoff Cossart, Lion Karen Williams and Lion Anne Famularo, Karen’s sponsor.

One involved honoring Geoff Cossart, a long-time member of Kellyville Lions, with a medal recognizing his 50 years of dedicated service to Lions.

The other marked the induction of Karen Williams as the newest addition to the club.

This unusual occasion recognised Geoff’s extraordinary commitment, while Karen’s arrival was warmly embraced by her new Lions family. 

Lion PDG Geoff Cossart and new member Lion Karen Williams.

We congratulate Geoff on his service milestone and welcome Karen to Lions Australia!

To see more from the Kellyville Lions Club, follow them on Facebook here.