Lions Skin Check and Awareness Van

Lions Free Skin Checks Make a Difference

The Lions V Districts Cancer Foundation mobile skin check van stopped in at the seaside town of Torquay, southwest of Melbourne, offering free skin check services to those with limited access to specialist skin care professionals.

Torquay Lions Club President, Colin Bellis, is delighted that many local residents took up the opportunity for a free skin check over two days.

“When I visited the Lions Skin Check and Awareness Mobile Unit on its first day of operation in Torquay, a number of people had already been advised to make a potentially life-saving appointment with their GP by having a thorough follow up,” he stated.

Since the Unit has been in operation in various towns in regional Victoria, 3,489 checks have been done and from those checks 1,483 referrals to GPs have been necessary.

Lions Free Skin Check Van Torquay

Torquay Lions Club President Colin Bellis, Friend of Lions Gail Roche, check in Rod Joyce from Anglesea, and Lorraine Large from Jan Juc for free skin checks at the Lions Skin Check and Awareness Mobile Unit.

“We all need to be concerned about skin cancer, and anyone showing signs of skin changes should have them checked by health professionals.

“Our Lions Mobile Unit is hard-pressed to meet the need in regional Victoria, but we are aiming to bring the mobile unit back to Torquay as soon as we are able,” Lion Colin said.

The van was at Wurdi Baierr Stadium, Torquay on Friday, July 1st and Saturday, July 2nd.

Locals who had made appointments were checked by trained and certificated volunteers.

The Lions team pointed out that many people told them it was a wonderful initiative of Lions.

Skin Check Van

Colin Large from Jan Juc chats with Torquay Lions Club President Colin Bellis, while waiting for his free skin check.

“It’s been great to provide people with valuable and timely data about skin care and self-checking techniques. Just having the Unit here in Torquay has helped raise the community’s awareness,” Lion Colin said.

“It is well-known Australia has one of the highest rates of skin cancer in the world.

“Lions Clubs in Victoria and Southern NSW are working hard to reduce that level and its impact on families, but every one of the Surf Coast needs to take action”, Lion Colin concluded.

Interested in getting involved where it matters?

Click here to find out how you can help the Lions V Districts Cancer Foundation make a real and lasting difference in people’s lives.

Lions are there every step of the way in Flood Recovery

Lions Australia is celebrating our 75th Anniversary in September this year and the theme of “always” being there for the community could not be more relevant.

A key focus for Lions’ 1200 plus clubs in recent months has been supporting flood-affected communities in NSW and QLD.

With flood waters still rising in parts of NSW this week, Lions volunteers are assuring communities they will be there every step of the way in coming months and years as they recover and rebuild.

“At Lions we know the road to recovery is a long one after a disaster. Our volunteers are still going above and beyond to help communities rebuild after the devastating bushfires of 2019/2020 and we will see the same with flood affected communities in NSW and QLD,” says Lions Australia CEO Rob Oerlemans.

“Over the past three months, the focus has been on providing emergency support to those who lost everything. During the floods, our volunteers on the ground were doing whatever they could to support their communities whether it was cooking for ADF personnel and volunteers, setting up free laundry and shower vans or simply lending a helping hand to someone in need,” adds Rob.

“The focus now is on helping people get back on their feet and helping the community rebuild. This will take years.”

Members of the Lions Club of Lennox Head providing food and drinks to flood-affected communities earlier this year

Local Lions Clubs on the ground are being supported by many Lions Clubs and Australians who have been fundraising for and supporting the Australian Lions Foundation National Disaster Appeal.

Over $1.3m has now been raised and is being quickly distributed to clubs on the ground in affected areas. Lions have been assisting with clean ups and purchasing and delivering items such as storage containers and gas cookers for people who have lost everything. Many local clubs are using the grant funds to purchase vouchers at local businesses for people in need to purchase fuel, food, water, cleaning products, bedding and other essential items.

Quotes from Lions Clubs on the ground:

We will keep going until we’re not needed anymore,” says Lismore Lions Club President Theo Beemster.

We have been reacting to immediate needs and will continue to do so, but our challenge will be to support our community in the months and years ahead. To do that we have to keep up our normal fundraising efforts, apply for grants and donations and on top of that take on flood recovery effort,” says Chris Stores, Lennox Heads Lions Club.

Every dollar raised in the Australian Lions Foundation National Disaster Appeal is being sent directly to local Lions Clubs to provide emergency support to those in need and help the community rebuild.

Lions have been providing emergency support to Australian communities for decades. Over $4.6 million was raised and distributed in the recent Australian Lions Foundation National Bushfire Appeal and $1.9 million was raised and distributed to Flood Support last year.

Anyone looking to make a donation and support those affected by the floods can do so through their local Lions Club or through donating directly to Australian Lions Foundation.

To make a donation click here.

All donations over $2 are tax deductible.

Lions Hit the Catwalk for a Good Cause


Members of Adamstown Lions Club have scrubbed up nicely to raise much needed funds for the Australian Lions Foundation’s Flood Appeal.

Last year, Lion Judith Mulhearn suggested hosting a fashion show fundraiser at the Club’s board meeting after reading stories about homelessness and domestic violence in the local papers.

2021’s inaugural fashion show supported Jenny’s Place, a Newcastle-based organisation supporting women and children who are experiencing domestic violence and/or homelessness.

“It went so well, we decided to do it again,” said Mulhearn.

This year’s event was held in mid-June and saw Lions modelling ponchos, blazers and bowties as attendees drank champagne and enjoyed cake.

A Lion modelling in the fashion parade


“We had a mix of our club members and their friends, members of the public and members of other Lions Clubs in attendance,” said Mulhearn.

With the support of local businesses, who donated vouchers and goods for raffles and lucky door prizes, the Club was able to raise $4,500.

This money will go towards supporting those affected by the devastating floods in Southern Queensland and Northern New South Wales.

The Club will next be hosting a Spring fashion show in September.

You can keep up to date with Adamstown Lions Club here.

Donvale Lions Club Supports Local School Students


For many families in Australia, sending children to school camp is a luxury that they simply cannot afford.

Donvale Lions Club has partnered with 4 local schools to ensure that children don’t miss out on the opportunity to experience all that school camps have to offer.

For a child to attend, it typically costs between $200 and $300, depending on their age, meaning that many children go without.

Since becoming involved with LCIF’s Peace Poster initiative approximately 15 years ago, the Club has built strong relationships with the schools in the local community.

It was through regular contact with these schools that the Club learned of the hardships faced by many families in their area.





Leni Moodie of Donvale Lions Club said that members of the Club remembered their own experiences at school camp fondly and felt compelled to support the children unable to attend.

“We simply couldn’t bear the thought of a kid not attending school camp and being singled out and staying behind,” said Moodie.

Donvale Lions Club typically supports 3 to 6 children at any given time, meaning that fundraising is particularly important.

Whilst many of us use Saturday mornings to sleep in, members of Donvale Lions Club operate a weekly barbeque at their local shopping centre. To supplement these donations, the Club runs a Trash and Treasure market and participate in other fundraisers to ensure a steady flow of funds to support the local children.

Moodie says that she “wouldn’t have it any other way”.

School camps, aside from being fun, promote independence, foster the development of new skills and encourage social interaction.

In 2019, the Victorian Government also recognised the importance of making school camps accessible to all children by introducing the Camps, Sports and Excursions Fund. This Government initiative hoped to alleviate the financial burden of school camps, much like the Lions Club of Donvale.

“The Lions Club of Donvale is not very large, but what we do get involved in, we give it our best!”

You can find out more about Donvale Lions Club’s initiative here.

Valentine Lions Club Wins Top Club Service Project Award


The Lions Club of Valentine refer to themselves as ‘the Club with the big heart” and it couldn’t be more true. At our recent Mini Convention in Melbourne, the Club was awarded the Top Club Service Project for their ongoing commitment to supporting their local community.

Stemming from a partnership with a local not-for-profit, Valentine Lions Club has directly helped over 2250 people in the community since 2021.

The Club has joined forces with Survivors R Us, a local organisation that directly supports those experiencing homelessness, domestic violence, and unemployment.

Amidst yet another Covid-19 outbreak in 2021, Lions banded together to care for their community and support its vulnerable members, whilst lifting the profile of Lions and their commitment to serving others.

“The members of the Lions Club of Valentine have been super enthusiastic about our involvement with this project. It has invigorated our Club and given it a real focus during the second year of the Covid pandemic,” said Vice President Dawn Lambert.

Valentine Lions cooking a weekly breakfast at Survivors R Us

Each week since July 2021, Lions have cooked a hot, hearty breakfast available to anyone who needs it. But the Club’s support of the community extends well beyond the weekly breakfast.

With the help of grants from the NSW Government totalling over $32,000, Valentine Lions Club has put together 195 food hampers, 195 Christmas hampers, 405 toy packs, 152 ‘Back to School’ backpacks, and 576 dignity care packs for people of all ages. All of these were distributed to disadvantaged members of their local community, in partnership with Survivors R Us.

In addition to accumulating over 900 hours of work on this project, the Club nominated Survivors R Us as the sole beneficiary of the $6,000 raised during their annual Christmas raffle to assist with their continuing work.

Valentine Lions presenting Maria Martin, founder of Survivors R Us, with the proceeds from their Christmas raffle

Valentine Lions Club’s ‘Caring for the Community’ project is ongoing and continues to uplift those in their community. Yet again proving that where there’s a need, there’s a Lion.

To learn more about Valentine Lions Club’s ongoing project, click here.

Gympie South Lions help flood victim

Gympie South Lions to the rescue for flood victim facing $7k fine

Gympie South Lions help flood victim

The Gympie South Lions Club have come to the rescue of a local flood victim after he was threatened with a $7,000 fine for having flood debris on his footpath.

Tom Atkinson and his partner were overlooked when council were doing their curbside debris pick up following major flooding in Gympie earlier this year, and with only two small cars (without towbars), they were unable to transport the flood debris to the tip themselves.

Gympie South Lions - Flood victim Tom Atkinson

Flood victim Tom Atkinson was threatened with a $7k fine

After seeing the story in the local paper, members of the Lions Club of Gympie South offered to help remove the debris for them. A couple of days later, the band of heroes without capes arrived at Tom’s place, loaded the debris into a large trailer and took it to the tip.

The Gympie Council had agreed to waive the dump fees if the rubbish was dumped within the timeframe and they were true to their word.

Tom and his partner were very relieved and appreciative of the assistance from the Gympie South Lions, Senior Constable Andrew White for the loan of the trailer and some helpful friends (Tom also helped).

Many hands make light work and the job was done it no time – well done to all involved.

Local Lions Clubs continue to be on the ground in flood-affected areas and fundraising for the Australian Lions Foundation National Disaster Appeal.

Every dollar raised in the Appeal is being sent directly to local Lions Clubs to provide emergency support to those in need and help the community rebuild.

Anyone looking to make a donation and support those affected by the floods can do so through their local Lions Club or through donating directly to Australian Lions Foundation.

All donations over $2 are tax deductible.

Kingborough (Tas) ALCCRF Presentation

Kingborough Lions Make Significant Donation to Childhood Cancer Research

Kingborough (Tas) ALCCRF Presentation

Photo L – R: Kingborough Lions Eric Madsen, DGE Paul Cairnduff, Mary Cairnduff, PDG Hester van Niekerk and Chair ALCCRF PDG Ron Skeen.

The Lions Club of Kingborough presented $86,500 to the Australian Lions Childhood Cancer Research Foundation (ALCCRF) at the 2022 National Convention. PDG Hester van Niekerk writes…

“…If it was my grandchild, I would want ‘light and hope’ at the end of the dark tunnel and only research will give this light and hope to a devastated family.

The Lions Club of Kingborough supports many projects and I asked……how can we promote the Lions Club, ALCCRF and raise funds? Forming partnerships was the answer”.


Since 2016 the Lions Club of Kingborough has donated over $86,500 to the ALCCRF. As part of their fundraising efforts, they have partnered up with a number of local businesses to reach this goal including:

• Management of their local Shopping Centre. This resulted in being asked to assist in many and various events such as assisting the Easter Bunny, dressing as the 3 witches at Halloween and assisting with children’s activities throughout the year.

They have also been doing Christmas Gift Wrapping for many years. Management provide everything needed for all events undertaken at no cost to the group.

• Professional cake decorator who agreed to ice the Lions 80g mini cakes to sell to schools, early childhood organisations and at their Christmas wrapping stall at the local shopping complex.

• Local shops who supplied toys and books to go into small raffles for children at their Christmas wrapping event.

• Local artists including a Master Artist who provided an original water colour work. This was sold with 100% of sale going to the ALCCRF.

• Local quilters who provided the group with quilts that are sold – and again 100% of sale going to the ALCCRF.

• Local newspaper who kindly allowed editorials promoting their activities and events.

“Our only cost is that of the mini cakes, but in exchange for the support we recognise our sponsors, promote Lions and ALCCRF…helping hands from members, partners and friends is what goes towards increasing the ‘light’ and search for a cure,” says PDG Hester.

Well done to the Kingborough Lions Club for your dedication to such an important cause.

To find out more about how you can support the Australian Lions Childhood Cancer Research Foundation, click here.


Read for Ukraine - Glenside Lions Club Bookmart

Read for Ukraine – Lions support Ukrainian Refugees

In times of crisis Lions Clubs do what they can to make a difference and that’s exactly what local volunteers are doing right now to support the humanitarian crisis in Ukraine.

The Glenside Lions Club run the Glenside Bookmart, known as the largest and most loved second hand bookstore in South Australia, and have generously offered their entire takings for the month of June to the Ukrainian appeal.

The target for June’s book sales and resulting donation is $20,000.

Read for Ukraine - Lions Support Ukrainian Refugees

Glenside Lions President, John Standingford says, “the conflict in Ukraine has driven millions of people from their homes, creating a humanitarian crisis that is forcing families to search for safety and security.”

“We can’t send them weapons and ammunition, but the money we send will buy immediate relief items for those who have fled Putin’s onslaught – such as food, clothing, hygiene supplies, sleeping bags and medicine.”

The expanded children’s section at the Glenside Bookmart is designed to encourage children to explore and read with no pressure to buy. Prices of children’s books are typically $1− $3.

The Glenside Lions encourage all South Australians to come and browse the pages, turn a leaf and buy a second hand book, whether it be for your child, yourself or as a gift, there are many to choose from in every category!

The Glenside Bookmart is located at the northern end of Kennaway Street, Tusmore and is open Friday and Monday from 10am – 1pm, and Saturday and Sunday from 10am – 3pm.

In addition to local Lions projects and initiatives in Australia, the Lions Clubs International Foundation has now provided over US $1,153,260 in grants to support Ukrainian refugees who have crossed their borders. Lions in Ukraine have also received LCIF grants to address the critical needs of people who remain in the country.

To find out more about how you can help support Ukrainian refugees with the Glenside Bookmart, click here.

Deidre Carroll - Lions Hero

Lions Hero – Deidre Carroll

Deidre is a tireless worker for the Club and community. She is a Rotary Paul Harris Fellow, Bulletin Editor, Publicity Officer, Tail Twister, District Cabinet – Nurses Scholarship, Public Relations, and Children’s Health and Mobility Foundation. She organises 3 street stalls per year which raise, on average, $1300 per stall. Deidre has a weekly column in the local paper and a weekly radio program in which she promotes Lions and the community.

The Countdown is on – Lions Mini-Convention starts soon!

Hundreds of Lions volunteers and community leaders are travelling to Melbourne this week for Lions Australia’s 2022 National Convention which will celebrate the 75th anniversary of Lions in Australia.

CEO Rob Oerlemans says the Convention is the perfect opportunity for volunteers from across the country to reconnect, reflect and be inspired.

“Lions Australia is celebrating its 75th Anniversary this year and the theme of “always” being there for the community could not be more relevant.”

“75 years ago, the first Lions Club was formed in Lismore NSW. Today our Lismore Lions and their colleagues and friends from over 1100 Lions Clubs from throughout Australia are working on the recovery efforts for those Australians affected by the floods, while we continue to support those recovering from the Black Summer bushfires.”

“Our national convention is a great opportunity for our members and leaders to come together to celebrate, reflect and plan ahead for the future,” says Lions Australia CEO Rob Oerlemans.

Attendees will enjoy a panel discussion about inspiring community projects featuring great speakers including Mr. Jaswinder Singh of Sikh Volunteers Australia, Mr. Andrew Kelly – CEO of The Antarctic Science Foundation and Ms Cinnamon Evans, CEO of CERES, a world class social enterprise incorporating urban farming and sustainability education in Melbourne.

The National finals of the Lions Youth of the Year and Leo of the Year will be held and updates and presentations will be shared from other Lions foundations and major projects.

Interested in joining the convention but can’t attend this year? Click here to find out how you can join the Live Stream!

For more information on the Lions Australia National Convention visit