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Lions Hero – Deidre Carroll

Deidre is a tireless worker for the Club and community. She is a Rotary Paul Harris Fellow, Bulletin Editor, Publicity Officer, Tail Twister, District Cabinet – Nurses Scholarship, Public Relations, and Children’s Health and Mobility Foundation. She organises 3 street stalls per year which raise, on average, $1300 per stall. Deidre has a weekly column in the local paper and a weekly radio program in which she promotes Lions and the community.

Lions Hero – Frankie Tang

Lion Frankie Tang’s trademark is his smiling face. His strength lies in his leadership abilities and his cheerful disposition. He actively encourages the members of the Lions Club of Melbourne Chinese to further their own management skill by attending Lions leadership training programmes.

Lions Hero – Lyle Constable

Lyle Constable is an active example of what founder, Melvin Jones, envisaged the benefits from being a Lions member. He has remained an active and enthusiastic member of the Toronto Lions club since joining. He can be relied upon to attend events and projects.