Lions Eye Health Program’s big year


Despite coming up against Covid-19, floods, and bushfires, 2022 has gone down as another huge year for the Lions Eye Health Program (LEHP).

Over the past twelve months, the 463 qualified Lions screened the eyes of 5,309 children across the country for vision impairment.

Of these, 1,172 were referred to an optometrist for a follow-up.

Image: LEHP

With one in five children having an undetected vision problem, the 132 vision screening sessions held in 2022 are invaluable to LEHP’s goal – to combat avoidable blindness.

After the program’s success in the US in the 90s, LEHP was launched in Australia in 2000 as a pilot project. Now a Category B project, more than 60% of Australian Lions Clubs have helped promote the program.

Last year, vision screenings were conducted in all Districts, with Q2 screening 2000 children.

The management team at Lions Eye Health Program are anticipating 2023 to be bigger and better!

You can learn more about the program here.

Tewantin Noosa’s Courageous Children


Tewantin Noosa Lions Club has committed to supporting the next generation with its latest project.

Introduced to the Club in mid-2022, the Children of Courage project recognises and celebrates the everyday bravery and courage of children between the ages of 5 and 15 living with disabilities.

With a focus on building self-esteem in children, recipients are nominated by community members, and all nominees are presented with gift cards for Rebel Sport at an awards ceremony.

Isaack Young was the first recipient of this award, nominated by his school for his achievement in sport. He was presented with his voucher in mid-December, which he intended to use to purchase a “special cap”.

Isaack accepted the award from President Ian Glew. Image: Facebook

There are four categories that children can be nominated for; special needs, courageous acts or deeds, inspiring sporting achievement, and sibling recognition.

The Lions Children of Courage Awards originated in Western Australia in 1983 and is celebrating its 40th anniversary this year.

This project is ongoing and the Club is looking forward to continuing to support and celebrate the children in their community.

You can keep up to date with Tewantin Noosa Lions Club here.

Licola Wilderness Village

Lions sponsor camp for Victorian flood victims

In October 2022, Australians living in northern Victoria were some of the worst hit after flood waters tore through their towns and inundated houses like a tidal wave.

Many of these residents from towns like Rochester have been forced to live in caravans, sheds, and other temporary spaces much too small for a family.

As those who have been displaced are still coming to terms with the ferocity of the swollen river, Victorian Lions have come together to provide some much-needed relief by sponsoring a camp for flood victims at their Licola Wildnerness Village.

Licola Wilderness Village

Flood-affected families arrived at the retreat last Monday the 9th of January for a fabulous 4-night stay, where children and parents could enjoy swimming, kayaking or simply relaxing after having to live in close quarters for the past few months.


Lion Geoff Turnbull (2nd VDG V6) and his wife, Janice who came up with the idea, have helped to give families a very welcome break from the drudgery of their ‘normal’ day lives.

“The families at this camp have lost their homes and had significant material losses,” says Geoff Turnbull.

“Many of them don’t anticipate being able to move back to their houses for another 12 months or so, and some have no idea when.”


Guests were treated to a personal video message from Lions International President Brian Sheehan who welcomed them to the village, along with receiving vouchers from Bunnings and Kmart.


Each family was also given a new sheet set, pillow, pillowcase, blanket, bath and beach towel, bath mat, and toiletry kit to take home. Children aged 5-10 were also provided with a fully-loaded backpack for school.


Geoff says members of the public who would like to help make this possible again can contact a Victorian Lions Club or donate directly via the Australian Lions Foundation.

“Almost 40 people were unable to attend due to work or other commitments on their farms, so we would like to be able to do this again for other families who couldn’t make it this time.”

“A special mention to all the Lions volunteers who were here to assist with activities and provided meals for breakfast, lunch and dinner. Also to Lions Australia’s Council Chairperson Steven Boyce and Australian Lions Foundation Chairperson Tony Benbow for all their support”.

Licola Wilderness Village (Steven Boyce)

Lions have been providing emergency support to Australian communities for decades. Over $4.6 million was raised and distributed in the recent Australian Lions Foundation National Bushfire Appeal and $1.9 million was raised and distributed to Flood Support last year.

Anyone looking to make a donation and support those affected by the floods can do so through their local Lions Club or through donating directly to Australian Lions Foundation.

Click here to make a donation (all donations over $2 are tax deductible).

Lions International President – Brian Sheehan – Message to Australian Lions about flood disaster.

Lions provide a little Christmas joy to NSW flood victims

When disaster strikes, Lions volunteers are the first to offer support and that’s exactly what is happening as communities across Australia face the devastating effects of recent floods in the lead up to Christmas.

The township of Eugowra, which is located between Forbes and Canowindra in central NSW, is one of those places.

Their entire community was decimated by flood waters which went through the small country township like an “inland tsunami”.

Houses were inundated with flood waters and moved from their foundations, even with family members still inside.

Working together, Lions decided to organise a little Christmas gift for the residents to help raise their spirits.

Devastation and damage to local houses, moved from their foundations.

Disaster Chair N4 PDG Anne Jones OAM, together with the Australian Lions Foundation and Lions’ Christmas cake provider, Traditional Foods, were able to to put together an urgent order of 900 Christmas Cakes to be shipped to Dubbo and collected by Lions ready for distribution.

A small sticker was put on all of the boxes wishing recipients a heartfelt Christmas greeting and small acknowledgement that Lions are thinking of them at this time.

“We know the road to recovery is a long one after a disaster. Our volunteers are still going above and beyond to help communities rebuild after the devastating bushfires of 2019/2020 and we will see the same with flood affected communities,” says Australian Lions Foundation Chairperson Tony Benbow OAM.

Cakes being boxed with greeting stickers.

Lions have been providing emergency support to Australian communities for decades. Over $4.6 million was raised and distributed in the recent Australian Lions Foundation National Bushfire Appeal and $1.9 million was raised and distributed to Flood Support last year.

Anyone looking to make a donation and support those affected by the floods can do so through their local Lions Club or through donating directly to Australian Lions Foundation.

Click here to make a donation (all donations over $2 are tax deductible).

Echuca Lions Club donate to local cancer centre


Echuca Lions Club has donated $20,000 to a new Cancer and Wellness Centre for the Victorian town.

The $8.3 million centre will deliver a new chemotherapy and haemodialysis unit to the area, as well as provide wellness programs to help improve the health and well-being of cancer patients.

With several members of Echuca Lions Club having been touched by cancer themselves, this project was particularly close to their hearts.

“It means something to all of us,” said Lion Laurie Stewart.

“I had pancreatic cancer, John had prostate cancer, and Graeme had bladder cancer.”

Half the money was raised at the Club’s annual golf day in March, and the Australian Lions Foundation (ALF) provided the rest through a matching grant.

Lion John Hewlett says the Club is grateful for the community getting behind the cause.

“We know it’s been a difficult time for a lot of local businesses after all the lockdowns, so we really appreciate the support,” he said.

Work on Echuca Cancer and Wellness Centre began in August 2021 and is expected to be completed by the end of the year.


Original Story from the Riverine Herald, here.

Lions Foundation doing a bloody good job


Over the next two years, The Lions Cord Blood Foundation will provide Monash Children’s Hospital in Victoria with $50,000 for neo-natal cell therapy research.

Announced in August, the grant will go towards improving outcomes for vulnerable babies by utilising the “reparative, anti-inflammatory, and regenerative potential of cell therapies”.

Cord blood is the blood that is found in the umbilical cord and placenta after a baby is born. As a rich and diverse source of stem cells, this blood can be used for children and adults requiring bone marrow transplants.

The Lions Cord Blood Foundation was established in 1996 by Laurie Denton, a member of the Lions Club of Waverly in V5 and has raised more than $2.3 million for the Fight Cancer Foundation.

Ron Tregear, Chairman (3rd from left) & Pat Mills, Association Secretary (4th from left), Lions Cord Blood Foundation along with members of Newborn Cell Therapies group

Chairperson of the Foundation, Ron Tregear, says this research is “particularly rewarding”.

“It will involve bringing extremely premature babies into the world potentially in better health than they may have otherwise been,” he said.

Associate Professor Atul Mahlotra says he is grateful to the Foundation.

“This will directly feed into our cell therapies clinical trial pipeline including one study currently recruiting extremely preterm babies to investigate feasibility and safety of autologous cord blood cell therapy,” he said.

In Australia, cord blood has been used to treat over 80 conditions, including cancers, blood disorders, immune disorders and metabolic disorders.

You can learn more about The Lions Cord Blood Foundation here.

Sydney Lions are supporting Ukrainian refugees and they need your help

In times of crisis, Lions Clubs do what they can to make a difference and that’s exactly what local volunteers are doing right now to support the humanitarian crisis in Ukraine.

Funds raised by Lions across Sydney have helped establish the new modern modular Warsaw Information Centre and Medical Clinic in front of the Ukraine Consulate in Warsaw.

The project is being led by Hornsby Lions Club with director John Lockyer gearing up for his next visit to Poland and encouraging anyone looking to support Ukrainian refugees to make a donation.

“The conflict in the Ukraine has devastated so many lives. Many Lions volunteers are doing whatever they can to support those impacted and we need your help,” says John.

Lions Clubs across Sydney set a goal of raising $10,000 for Lions Warsaw to set up a Warsaw Information Centre modular in front of the consulate.

Lion John Lockyer in Warsaw with Ukrainian refugees.

“As a result of exceeding our $10,000 by raising $5000 more, Lions Warsaw also secured an additional modular office that is being used as a medical clinic. The central purpose of this medical clinic is to provide health support to Ukrainian children/families at the Lions Information Centre.”

“Now thousands of Ukrainian refugees that are seeking assistance at the consulate can be interviewed by Lions Warsaw Volunteers without any concern of the extreme bitter cold and wet conditions.

The harsh Polish winter will return and we are pleased to support Warsaw Lions volunteers with the provision of secure, warm modern offices so that refugees can be adequately interviewed,” says John.

John Lockyer from the Hornsby Lions Club on site for the build of the new Information Centre and Medical Clinic in Warsaw.

“I am returning to Poland to review progress at the Ukrainian Consulate in Warsaw and then plan to review progress on the plan by Lions Warsaw to establish similar facilities in the Gdansk, Wroclaw, Krakow and Lublin.”

“We’re encouraging anyone who would like to make a difference to consider making a donation. Every dollar counts,” adds John.

Donations can be made to: DG Vin Pang Endorsed Warsaw/Ukraine Lions Appeal

BSB : 032055 A/c: 163233

In addition to local Lions projects and initiatives in Australia, the Lions Clubs International Foundation (LCIF) has now provided over US$1,735,000 in grants to support Ukrainian refugees who have crossed their borders.

Lions in Ukraine have also received LCIF grants to address the critical needs of people who remain in the country.

Australia’s largest service organisation is on a mission to reduce prevalence of Diabetes

To mark World Diabetes Day this year, Lions Clubs across Australia were on a mission to reduce the prevalence of diabetes and improve the quality of life for those diagnosed with their annual Lap the Map for Diabetes event.

Diabetes is one of the Lions’ key global focus areas with Lions members encouraging those in their community to stay active.

Lions volunteers across the country put on their walking shoes with the aim to have a combined distance travelled that exceeds Australia’s circumference (25,760 kms) by World Diabetes Day.

This year, Lions not only lapped the map once, but reported a combined distance of 261,704 kms, over 10 times the distance of Australia’s circumference.

Maroochy North Shore Lions host their Lap the Map for Diabetes event.

National Diabetes Coordinator Pat Mills says this is an incredible result for Diabetes awareness.

“The ‘Lions Lap the Map’ family friendly walks and campaigns in the community encourage people to get outside and have a walk to promote a healthy lifestyle and raise awareness of the Diabetes epidemic in Australia.”

“Across Australia 1.3 million people have been diagnosed with Diabetes and 283 people are diagnosed every day,” says Pat.

“The disease can lead to serious health issues affecting the heart and blood vessels, eyes, kidneys, nerves and teeth. In most high-income countries, Diabetes is a leading cause of cardiovascular disease, blindness, kidney failure, and lower limb amputation. It’s expected to affect 629 million adults by 2045.”

“With more people working from home and more communities living with tighter social restrictions since COVID-19, it’s more important than ever for Australians to stay active and healthy so we encourage people to get involved in our Lap the Map activities,” she adds.

See all the photos from Lap the Map for Diabetes 2022 on Facebook here.