Wangi Lions Club’s Festival Celebrates its 45th Year


In the first weekend of June, Wangi Lions Club held their annual Dobell Festival of Art and Craft.

Over its 45-year history, the festival has cemented itself as one of the most prestigious art and craft festivals in New South Wales.

This year’s two-day event raised in excess of $20,000 and included 320 paintings and over 1000 pieces of craft.

2022 Dobell Prize winner: “Still Life with Magnolias” – John Edge

Over the years, funds raised have supported local families experiencing hardships; domestic violence services; women’s refuges; drug and alcohol services; food relief; children’s services; mental health and special needs services; as well as local schools and sporting groups in the District.

Keith McBurney and Warren Jeffers

Jane Smith of Wangi Lions Club credits Keith McBurney, who has been the Dobell Festival Chairperson for the past 7 years, and Warren Jeffers, the primary sponsorship facilitator, as being the “nuts and bolts of the festival”.

Named after esteemed local artist Sir William Dobell, this year’s festival came to life after 8 weeks of hard work by members of Wangi Lions Club and approximately 30 volunteers.

“It is a wonderful opportunity to socialise with the community, as each year many volunteer and become a part of the festival,” said Smith.

Raffle Prize painted by Stephanie Macfarlane

Wangi Lions Dobell Festival of Art and Craft provides a great opportunity for Lake Macquarie residents to come together as a community and celebrate the promising artists of the area.

You can see the full list of winners below.

Keep up to date with Wangi Lions Club here.

2022 Awards for Art Section

The 2022 Dobell Prize

John Edge – “Still Life with Magnolias”


Section 1 – Landscape

Jill Cairns – “Here I Stand”

Section 2 – Figurative 

Sue Rosalind Vesely – “Ascension”

Section 3 – Still Life

Rene Berger – “Still Life with Winter Shadows”

Section 4 – ‘After Dobell’

Christine Galvin – “Faithful Companion”

Section 5 – Youth Primary

Louis Poelaert – “Elephant in the Room”

Section 6 – Youth Secondary

Peyton Hardesty – “Peter Spider Morph”

2022 Awards for Craft Section

Dobell Craft Prize

Noelene Farrell



Karen Murray


Sue Stewart


Rebecca Irving


Joanne Wiltshire


Janelle Hampton

Lions Hero – Margaret Condon

Deidre is a tireless worker for the Club and community. She is a Rotary Paul Harris Fellow, Bulletin Editor, Publicity Officer, Tail Twister, District Cabinet – Nurses Scholarship, Public Relations, and Children’s Health and Mobility Foundation. She organises 3 street stalls per year which raise, on average, $1300 per stall. Deidre has a weekly column in the local paper and a weekly radio program in which she promotes Lions and the community.

Lions Hero – David Horne

Lion David has served with dedication as Club President, Secretary, Zone Chairperson and Vice District Governor; and has been instrumental in establishing the Lions Club of Australian Hearing Dogs. He was Charter President and now serves as Club Secretary.

Lions Hero – Beccy Field

Lion Beccy has been a longstanding committed volunteer as a Lioness and Lion since 2010. Her contribution at Club, District and Multiple District has been outstanding.

Lions Hero – Terry Mullan

Deidre is a tireless worker for the Club and community. She is a Rotary Paul Harris Fellow, Bulletin Editor, Publicity Officer, Tail Twister, District Cabinet – Nurses Scholarship, Public Relations, and Children’s Health and Mobility Foundation. She organises 3 street stalls per year which raise, on average, $1300 per stall. Deidre has a weekly column in the local paper and a weekly radio program in which she promotes Lions and the community.

Kai Spence awarded Leo of the Year 2021

Kai Spence of the Central Queensland Leo Club in Lions District Q4 (Rockhampton) has been awarded the title of 2021 Leo of the Year. 

“The biggest benefit for me since becoming a Leo has been the relationships and the lifelong friendships I’ve developed. I have also loved seeing how this network has given others a way to grow and heal from trauma and life experiences. I was lucky enough to meet my wife through Leos. We met in high school but reconnected at Leos and now have a wonderful marriage and two beautiful daughters.” 

Competing on-stage at the Lions National Convention in Canberra in May 2021, Kai impressed the judges and audience with a heartwarming presentation about his experience of becoming a father. 

Kai has been actively involved in his Leo club since joining, holding a variety of roles including President, Secretary, Treasurer and Membership Chairperson.   

The Leo of the Year program offers young people the opportunity to share and celebrate their passion and commitment to community service, and a platform to voice their opinions on topics close to their heart. 

Over the next 12 months, Kai will travel around Australia visiting Lions Clubs with the goal of inspiring members to open more Leo Clubs.  

Leo members compete at a local and state level before each state nominates a finalist to compete on stage at the Lions National Convention. 

Participants are awarded points based on the following: 

  • Community service involvement (25%) 
  • Leadership and contribution to Leos (25%) 
  • Knowledge of Leos and Lions (10%) 
  • Knowledge of local and world affairs (10%)
  • Impact during interview (10%) 
  • Public speaking (20%)  

Find out more about the Leo Club program.

Leada Blackie awarded Leo of the Year 2022

Leada Blackie of the King Island Leo Club in Lions District T1 has been awarded the title of 2022 Leo of the Year.

“Overall, the benefits I have experienced have come from working closely with other and building strong relationships within the community.” 

Competing on-stage at the Lions National Mini Convention in Melbourne in May 2022, Leada impressed the judges and audience with a presentation based on the words of Eleanor Roosevelt,

“The purpose of life, after all, is to live it, to taste experience to the utmost, to reach out eagerly and without fear for newer and richer experience.” .

Leada has been actively involved in her Leo club since joining, holding a variety of roles including President, Secretary and Membership Chairperson.

The Leo of the Year program offers young people the opportunity to share and celebrate their passion and commitment to community service, and a platform to voice their opinions on topics close to their heart.

Over the next 12 months, Leada will travel around Australia visiting Lions Clubs with the goal of inspiring members to open more Leo Clubs.

Leo members compete at a local and state level before each state nominates a finalist to compete on stage at the Lions National Convention.

Participants are awarded points based on the following:

  • Community service involvement (25%)
  • Leadership and contribution to Leos (25%)
  • Knowledge of Leos and Lions (10%)
  • Knowledge of local and world affairs (10%)
  • Impact during interview (10%)
  • Public speaking (20%)


Find out more about the Leo Club program.

Torquay Lions 'Better Together'

Torquay Lions are ‘Better Together’

Following his installation as the new President of Torquay Lions Club, Lion Colin Bellis claimed his theme of ‘Better Together’ will ensure local Lions will serve their community better, strengthen their Club, and unearth new ways to raise funds to help those in need.

“Our Leadership Team has met already to plan the next 12 months,” President Colin said.

“The idea of ‘Better Together’ will drive us throughout the year.

Torquay Lions 'Better Together'

Outgoing president of Torquay Lions Club, Neil Roche (left) receives his Yearbook from incoming president Colin Bellis. The book consists of text and images of activities managed by the Lions Club during Neil’s year.

“A club which operates ‘Better Together’ will ensure our service to our community retains a very high standard, our fundraising will raise sufficient funds to meet local, national, and international needs, and we will have fun while we work”.

He was speaking after the annual changeover dinner of the Torquay Lions held at the Lions Village recently when his new executive team was installed for the next 12 months.

V2 2nd Vice District Governor, Michelle Challis, formally installed the team at the changeover dinner.

V2 2nd District Governor Elect, Michelle Challis, presents new Torquay Lions Club member, Ross Yapp, with his Lions shirt, cap and name badge, after she inducted him into Lions Clubs International.

Outgoing President, Lion Neil Roche, proudly announced at the dinner that the Torquay Lions had distributed just over $54,300 to local, national and international causes during the past year.

“Under Lion Neil’s guidance, Lions worked hard to raise those funds for distribution,” declared the Incoming President, Lion Colin.

“As well, local Lions worked voluntarily doing deliveries for Feed Me Surf Coast.

Torquay Lions

Torquay’s Lion of the Year was presented this month to Lion Tony Smith (left) for the amount of community service he did on top of his regular voluntary contribution to club activities. Outgoing President Neil Roche presented the award on behalf of the Club.

“Averaging six Lions delivering or loading each week, we supported Feed Me Surf Coast for 700 hours equating to $21,000 for the past 12 months”.

Lions in the executive team supporting the President this year are Brian Keane, Leadership Chair; Neil Roche, Service Chair; Ken Farrow, Secretary; Deb Law, Treasurer; and Bill Ferguson, Membership Chair.

Torquay Lions Club

Following his year of service as President of Torquay Lions Club, Lion Neil Roche, as his last official act, unfurls the club’s honour roll of Past Presidents with his name added to the banner.

“Like many other service organisations, Torquay Lions are keen to develop our membership base. We would love to see anyone looking for local involvement with a purpose to try their hand serving the community with us,” Lion Colin pointed out.

“Most people who try out working with Lions, join us for the satisfaction they receive serving others,” he concluded.

Anyone interested in finding out more about Torquay Lions can visit their website here.

Skin Cancer Van at Bunnings, South Vermont

Lions Mobile Skin Cancer Van Stops in at Vermont South Bunnings

The Lions V Districts Cancer Foundation makes a real and lasting difference in people’s lives with their mobile skin cancer check vans.

On July 22nd and 23rd their mobile van was in Bunnings carpark at Vermont South, Victoria. Lions Club of Waverley President Eamonn Cooke writes:

This project had Lions Club of Waverley as the main club organiser, and we were assisted by Lions Club of South Vermont.  People attended on Friday 22nd and Saturday 23rd July to be screened for skin cancer.  Around 110 people attended, many of whom – including myself – were being screened for the first time. Both Lions groups donated the net proceeds from their BBQs on Friday and Saturday to this project.  Our club’s donation was $1 500.  We also funded most of the skin cancer team’s meals and their hotel accommodation.

Skin Cancer Van at Bunnings, South Vermont

Back in January 2022, the idea for this project was communicated to our club.  Over the next few months, we established a team from both Waverley and South Vermont to drive the event.  We are appreciative of the assistance we received from Bunnings Activity Officer, Marie.  She was an important cog in this project; donating her time to attend meetings, and answering my phone calls and many emails.

During the lead up to the event, I was constantly in contact with Wendy Hellebrand (OAM) Skin Check Roster/Volunteer Screeners Coordinator.  Her knowledge and support were amazing and it meant so much to have her help.

Lion Bob set up an electronic spreadsheet with a dedicated email address to record the bookings. He also produced the event running sheet, which was a key document that scheduled action items for the team to be aware of.  As the time got closer, I met up with Lions Dave Underhay and John Watson.  These two Lions were key to the unit getting to the Vermont South location and kept safely stored overnight.  Thank you both for your contribution and effort in making it all look so easy!

When I saw the unit and the length of it, I was awe struck. It’s amazing. Vermont Bunnings were generous by facilitating the unit to be located on their ‘prime real-estate’ at the front of the store beside the BBQ setup.

Show time was 6am Friday 22nd and it was zero degrees. Shivering Lions Bill, Tony, Bob and driver John were assembling the unit for the day. My left foot had frost bite. This was fabulous teamwork setting everything up. Again, on Saturday 23rd DG Graham and Lions David, Bob and driver John were hard at work. I managed to drop a heavy witches hat on the DG’s foot!

On Friday morning, Wendy and her team Susan, Bob, Iggy, and Anthony arrived and got down to business. Their whole approach to examining people was so professional and non-intrusive, although standing there in my undies was interesting! A massive thanks must go out to the team.

On each day we had our ‘triage team’ from both clubs booking in the clients. Bob had electronically recorded each person and the attendance was fine.

Meanwhile, our Lions BBQ mob were hard at work drumming up business.  Both Waverley and South Vermont teams helped the day earning funds to assist the Skin Cancer Unit.

Lastly, a great big thank you to Lion Monica from the Lions Club of Waverley for baking a fabulous fruit cake for the skin cancer team, delicious was the consensus!

Click here to find out more about how the Lions V Districts Cancer Foundation is saving lives.

International Peace Poster Contest Winner Presented with Award

The Booragoon Lions Club have presented National Lions Peace Poster Contest winner, Hannah Roberts, with her trophy and Lions International certificate of merit.

(L to R) Lion John Garrett (Peace Poster Chairman, Lions Club of Booragoon), Hannah Roberts and Fleur Cason from Applecross Senior High School.


Due to Covid-19 restrictions, it was only this week when Hannah and her family could visit the Club meeting to receive her international awards, certificates and other documents relating to her achievement.

Lion John Garrett, Booragoon Lions’ Peace Poster Chairman, also presented a Lions Community Service Award to the Arts Department of Applecross Senior High School in recognition of the School’s ongoing support for the Lions Peace Poster contest and the dedication and enthusiasm of art teachers Fleur Cason and Jo Sweetman.



This is the second consecutive year an art student from Applecross Senior High School and winner of the Booragoon Lions Club’s contest has been named Australia’s Peace Poster winner.

Hannah Roberts, Peace poster contest

Hannah’s proud family – Gillian and Paul (mum and dad) and brother Liam.

In 2020-21, student Sora Hamamura was the national winner followed by Hannah in 2021-22, aged 13 years at the time.

Based on creativity, originality and portrayal of the theme “We Are All Connected”, Hannah’s entry was chosen as one of 23 merit award winners at the Chicago international judging from over 600,000 entries.

She received US$500 as an International certificate of merit winner and AUD$200 as the National Lions Australia winner. 

The Peace Poster entry created by Hannah Roberts has been hailed as “amazing” by those who have seen it. 

To be chosen as one of just 23 merit award winners from across the world is indeed a superb honour.

Congratulations Hannah! 

Click here to see Hannah’s Peace Poster.