Lismore Lions Club Flood Appeal

Lions volunteers across Australia are mobilising for flood relief

When disaster strikes Lions roll up their sleeves and take action and that’s exactly what is happening right now.

From Lions Clubs on the ground who are helping with clean-ups, providing essential items to local residents and cooking at evacuation centres to the many volunteers across the country shaking donation buckets and hosting sausage sizzles and fundraisers for the National Appeal, Lions are making a big difference.

CEO of Lions Australia Rob Oerlemans says many Lions Clubs across the country are out in the community doing what they can to help those impacted by the devastating floods.

“In times of disaster Lions take action. Many of our Clubs in QLD and NSW are doing whatever they can right now to help their communities whether it’s assisting residents with clean-ups, providing food and essential items to those who have lost everything or cooking for evacuation centres and volunteers. We expect many of our clubs right across Australia to be out in their communities shaking donation buckets and hosting fundraisers for the Australian Lions Foundation National Disaster Appeal,” says Rob Oerlemans.

Every dollar raised in the Australian Lions Foundation National Disaster Appeal will be sent directly to local Lions Clubs to provide emergency support to those in need.

“In times of disaster, Australian Lions Foundation is focused on getting emergency support to communities in need as quickly as possible. Right now, Queensland and Northern NSW needs Australia’s help and we are working closely with Lions Clubs on the ground and providing them with emergency funds so they can help those in need in their community,” says Australian Lions Foundation Chairperson Tony Benbow OAM.

“Through Lions’ incredible network of over 1200 clubs we are able to deliver goods and support quickly and can be sure it will go to where it is needed most,” adds Tony.

Lismore Lions Club, the first Australian Lions club formed back in 1947, has been providing food and water to their hard-hit community and emergency crews every day for the past 5 days.

Lismore Lions President Theo Beemster says they are feeding hundreds of people each day.

“The town has been completely destroyed with most buildings completely guttered inside – it’s going to take years to rebuild. But our club will keep going until we’re not needed anymore”.

Lions have been providing emergency support to Australian communities for decades. Over $4.6 million was raised and distributed in the recent Australian Lions Foundation National Bushfire Appeal and $1.9 million was raised and distributed to Flood Support last year.

Australians looking to make a donation and support those affected by the floods can do so through their local Lions Club or through donating directly to the Australian Lions Foundation.

All donations over $2 are tax deductible.

Haymes Paint Donate to ALF

Haymes Paint stores and Lions Clubs host BBQ’s with a difference

Lions has a longstanding reputation for hosting some of the country’s best sausage sizzles.

Haymes Paint customers across the country have been enjoying complimentary Lions BBQ’s recently as part of a national promotion that’s delivering much more than just sausage sizzles.

Last month Lions volunteers supported 56 Haymes Point stores across the country with a complimentary Sausage Sizzle and Bacon and Egg Rolls for all customers.

In addition to reimbursing Lions for all costs, Haymes has made a donation of $25,500 to the Australian Lions Foundation Disaster Relief Fund which provides Lions Clubs across Australia with the ability to quickly react in times of need.

Haymes Paint Newcastle

ALF Grants Chairman Ken Hallam, DG Glenys Francis, Haymes Mngr, & Elermore Vale Lions at Haymes Paint store in Newcastle

From Cyclone Tracy in 1974 to the recent droughts, bushfires and horrific 2022 floods, Lions have always been amongst the first to roll up their sleeves and taken action.

Australian Lions Foundation Chairperson Tony Benbow OAM has thanked Haynes for its support.

“The Australian Lions Foundation wishes to thank Haymes Paint for their generous donation and support as well as all of the Lions volunteers who fired up the BBQ at their local Haymes Paint store. Lions is celebrating its 75 Year anniversary in Australia this year and we are so proud of the support we have provided to the community to date.”

“Every dollar donated to Australian Lions Foundation goes towards helping Lions Clubs support their communities in times of need and through Lions’ incredible network of over 1200 clubs you can be confident it’s distributed quickly and to those who need it most,” adds Tony Benbow.

ALF Grants Chairman Ken Hallam, DG Glenys Francis, Haymes Rep, & Warners Bay Lions at Haymes Paint store in Warners Bay

Over $4.6 million was raised and distributed in the Australian Lions Foundation National Bushfire Appeal. But the support from Lions did not stop there. Over the past two years, even through a health pandemic, Lions volunteers have continued to support those affected and are focusing on helping communities rebuild.

For any individuals or businesses looking to give back, the Australian Lions Foundation is a wonderful cause to support.

“We encourage any Australians looking to give back this year to consider donating to Australian Lions Foundation. You never know when you or your family might need assistance or when disaster might strike in your community but if it does Australian Lions Foundation and your local Lions club will do whatever we can to help,” adds Tony Benbow.

To support our volunteers on the ground who are helping with flood recovery, you can make a donation online here.

Donations over $2 are tax deductible.

Lynsey McLeod

How Lions Uses Music To Aid The Young

Music can soothe a troubled mind. Tony Fawcett meets the mastermind behind an award-winning youth program exploiting the power of music.

Whether Queen’s thumping ‘We Are The Champions’ or ‘Don’t Worry Be Happy’ by artists too numerous to mention, music is a powerful mood influencer.

‘Walking On Sunshine’ can put a spring in our step and Adele’s anthem to lost love, “Someone Like You’, can make some of us cry.

Few recognise that power of music more than Lynsey McLeod, project officer and consultant to the Australian Lions Wellbeing Foundation, until last year known as the Australian Lions Drug Awareness Foundation.

Lynsey McLeod

Lynsey McLeod, project officer and consultant to the Australian Lions Wellbeing Foundation.

For 11 years, Hobart-based Lynsey has been spearheading the organisation’s award-winning online youth health program Tune In Not Out (TINO), billed as a one-stop shop for young people 14-25 seeking information on life’s challenges – from alcohol, drugs, sex and sexual health, to school work, money, bullying and cyber safety.

Apart from sourcing videos, factsheets and stories geared to the challenges of the young, TINO ( invites followers to Tune Your Mood, a section geared to helping us understand the power of music on our wellbeing.

“Most of us listen to music regardless of age, from toddlers listening to favourite rhymes to make a car journey easier, to teens selecting songs that are good to study to or adults selecting mood-boosting songs that evoke happy memories in the current day,” explains Lynsey.

The right song, she contends, can change a mood, set a new mood or help the mood feel better, activating feel-good chemicals such as endorphins and oxytocin, sometimes known as the love hormone, in our bodies.

Equally, poorly chosen music can make us feel worse. “This is where understanding and becoming aware of how music is affecting us is so important, and a powerful tool,” says Lynsey who holds a degree in public relations with a background in community services including drug education and family support,

Music can be a double-edged sword, she contends. Some songs can start off being helpful, allowing us to vent our emotions, but then they leave us in a heap.

“They might make us feel angrier and stressed, or bring back negative memories or experiences, unpleasant feelings that make us spiral instead,” she says.

“Once you recognise this, you have the power to adjust this amazing tool by using it as a prevention device, by actively choosing not to listen to certain music at certain times.

This is where TINO comes in.

It encourages young people to take care of their moods, maybe by pressing skip and selecting a new song or playlist to take their mood to a more positive space, to feel more in control of their thoughts and feelings.

Rather than dictating, TINO shares playlists, compiled by young people themselves, of mood-boosting songs proven to lift the spirits, to relax and comfort, relieving listeners of stress and anxiety.

While some suggested songs might seem irrelevant, Lynsey says it’s all about music preference. What works for one person and is quite personal to them might not work for another.

She suggests we all learn to recognise how songs make us feel, play around with our music choices and even make our own playlists. “You might find a new style of music that is really positive for you.”

With two teenage children herself, a daughter 16 and a son 13, she is well placed to observe the positive effect music can have on the young.

So what is her own favourite mood-boosting music?

Definitely the Red Hot Chilli Peppers.

“A bit of the Red Hot Chilli Peppers is a family favourite, from father to son their music is something all of us appreciate.”

Yet, not unexpectedly, sad songs, especially those that raise sadder emotions, are generally out.

Too negative.

“I much prefer upbeat nice music,” she assures.

To find out more about the foundation’s work, click here.


A sampling of TINO’s contributed soothers

(check them out on Spotify or YouTube)

DINO soars

. Kiss From a Rose by Seal

. Gorillaz by Clint Eastwood

. Boogie Wonderland by Earth Wind & Fire, The Emotions


. Slow Hands by Niall Horan

. Chained to the Rhythm by Katy Perry, Skip Marley

. Galway Girl by Ed Sheeran

. Mr Brightside by The Killers

Mental Sounds

. Take Me To The Church by Hozier

. Thinking Out Loud by Ed Sheeran

. Hold Back the River by James Bay

Teneriffe Lions Club - 75th Anniversary Commemorative Garden

Celebrating the 75th anniversary of Lions Australia – Radio Interview with CEO Rob Oerlemans

Original story from ABC Radio Newcastle here.

Lions Australia is renowned for its work around communities across NSW, and this year the organisation is celebrating 75 years.

Among the celebrations for the anniversary, Lions has set a goal for local clubs to plant at least 75 commemorative gardens.

The ABC’s Dan and Jenny spoke to Rob Oerlemans, the CEO of Lions Australia, to find out where the gardens will be.

Duration: 5min 38sec



MD 201 “Mini” Convention to go ahead in Melbourne 14-15 May

It is with considerable pleasure that the Lions Australia National Council has endorsed a proposal to hold a Mini-Convention in Melbourne on the weekend of 14-15 May 2022. We are so excited to be able to get together!
We were all disappointed that we needed to cancel the Perth Convention due to uncertainty about interstate travel. Although it is not possible to convene a full Convention at short notice, the Council was keen to bring together Lions from around Australia for fun, fellowship and inspiration at a short weekend Convention.
This Convention will be about great keynote speakers, hospitality and experiencing some exciting and entertaining presentations including…

  • The National finals of our Leo of the Year competition with entertaining speeches from our talented and community-spirited young people.
  • The National finals of our Youth of the Year competition – always a highlight!
  • Remembrance Ceremony where we can pay our respects to those Lions who have left for higher service.
  • Celebrating our two big anniversaries! 60 years of Lions in Western Australia and 75 years of Lions in Australia.
  • The chance to enjoy fellowship and a few laughs with Lions with informal drinks following the Saturday program.
  • Experience the hospitality of Melbourne with your District colleagues for drinks and perhaps dinner on Saturday night.

More details of the program will be released in the coming weeks including our keynote speakers and officials.
This year, our Notices of Motion and the election of International Director candidates will be conducted remotely by online voting to ensure that travel restrictions do not affect our Lions ability to participate. Further details will be advised in the coming weeks.
The Venue
The Convention will be held in the Crown Conference Centre adjacent to the Crown Promenade Hotel, in the heart of the beautiful city of Melbourne. The venue is only a short ride from Melbourne Airport using the airport bus or by taxi, and for those drivers, the adjacent multi-level car park is very affordable at less than $20 per day.
For simplicity, when you register you can purchase vouchers for coffee and tea during the Convention, and there is a myriad of restaurants and cafés within a short walking distance for lunches.

Please note that Crown requires all attendees over the age of 16 years old who visit any Crown Premises in Australia are Fully Vaccinated.



It’s been a long year for all of us and it will be wonderful to catch up with all our Lions friends and celebrate our 75th Anniversary!
Stay tuned to our Newsletter, website and Facebook page for more information.
Looking forward to seeing you in Melbourne!

Alzheimer’s Trial

Male Volunteers Required For New Alzheimer’s Trial

Professor Ralph Martins and his research team from the Australian Alzheimer’s Research Foundation (AARF) are currently conducting a major study and require Male Volunteers for an Alzheimer’s Trial in Perth or Sydney.

There is currently no cure for Alzheimer’s. In fact, the only available drugs treat the symptoms of the disease rather than the brain changes themselves. This is a startling consideration given that Alzheimer’s accounts for up to 70% of dementia cases and dementia is the second leading cause of death in Australia. The disease also places an immense strain on health services and families as sufferers become less and less capable of independent living over time.

Further, a global ageing population means that these impacts will only get worse unless research strides are made. Experts believe that prevention is the best intervention given that current knowledge suggests that the brain changes are irreversible.

Last year, the AARF together with researchers from Edith Cowan University commenced the largest clinical trial to date to investigate the influence of testosterone on a key marker of Alzheimer’s disease risk called amyloid beta. The dominant theory of the disease’s cause is that amyloid beta, a sticky protein, accumulates irregularly in the brain of patients and clumps together to form plaques. These plaques disrupt the communication between brain cells and trigger inflammation, ultimately causing the cells to die. This process continues while memory and other brain functions gradually deteriorate over time until the loss of basic functions or disease-related complications lead to death.

The trial, called the TotAL Study (Testosterone and Omega Three – Amyloid Lowering), is currently seeking volunteers. Specifically participants must be:

  • Men aged between 60-80, and concerned about their memory
  • Free from any major or unstable medical conditions, and not be currently taking testosterone treatment
  • Available over an 18 month period
  • Happy to complete a screening process to determine eligibility

Other criteria will follow assessments at the AARF’s Nedlands research centre. Most crucial of these is the individual’s current testosterone level – which is required to be on the low side of normal.

Finding participants within the required range for testosterone presents a challenge. A blood sample will be collected for this purpose for all interested participants, but if you have had a previous test and know (or suspect) that your testosterone is on the low side of normal, the Foundation would especially love to hear from you.

Participation requires initial screening to identify volunteers who are safe and suitable to take part. This is first done by a phone questionnaire, followed by two clinic visits to discuss the trial and your medical history with a study doctor, blood tests, and memory assessments. If eligible, you will be asked to undergo more memory testing, brain scans, and other assessments before and after being treated with testosterone and fish oil (or a placebo version of one or both) for a 56 week period. All study procedures are conducted in Nedlands and participation is expected to last approximately 18 months.

If you would like to take part or would like further information, please contact the study team on (08) 6304 3966 / (Perth) or 0493 152 142 / (Sydney).

(Original advertorial here.)


Disaster Relief Australia wins Australian Charity Award

Disaster Relief Australia, whom we support through the Lions Disaster Relief Australia Project recently won the Outstanding Achievement category at the 2021 Australian Charity Awards. The Australian Charity awards recognise charitable organisations achieving outstanding results through initiatives significantly benefiting communities.

DRA’s nomination highlighted the impact of their spontaneous volunteer program, specifically during their time assisting the Adelaide Hills community after the devastating Cudlee Creek bushfires during the 2019/20 Black Summer. During their 8 weeklong recovery operation, the team at DRA coordinated more than 250 spontaneous volunteers, all keen to help out their community, neighbors, family and friends.

Spontaneous Volunteer is a term used to describe people exhibiting incredibly old and typical prosocial behaviours. People with no formal association with the emergency management system who put their hands up to help when a disaster happens. It encapsulates the Australian spirit of helping others, and mateship – one of DRA’s core values.

DRA can be called upon to manage and lead those wanting to volunteer to assist within their community in the wake of a natural disaster. By onboarding, inducting, leading and supporting SponVols, DRA is able to significantly increase the assistance provided to disaster-affected communities. The SponVols are employed in a structured, gainful and safe manner. The well-considered approach empowers the communities we serve.

DRA CEO Geoff Evans is immensely proud of his veteran-led organisations’ award. “Volunteerism is an Australian way of life and deeply rewarding to those who take up the challenge. There have previously been few avenues for the community to spontaneously volunteer after a disaster. By providing communities with a way in which to do this, we can help them cope better with the impact of disasters and bounce back faster. With almost half of the Australian population living in communities that have a low-to-moderate level of disaster resilience, there is much work to be done. DRA is proud to be part of this leading effort.”

Lions will continue to support Disaster Relief Australia in their efforts to provide Australian communities help where it’s needed most!

If you’re interested in assisting with this initiative, or their disaster relief efforts, you can find more information here.

Hannah Roberts, Peace Poster

3 International Awards for Lions Australia – Peace Poster Contest and Kindness Matters Service Award

It is our great pleasure to announce that Western Australia student Hannah Roberts has been chosen as a merit award winner in the 34th Annual Lions International Peace Poster Contest, while two Australian Lions/Leo clubs have both been presented with Kindness Matters Service Awards.

Lions International Peace Poster Contest

The Booragoon Lions Club’s sponsored International Peace Poster entry created by Hannah Roberts has been hailed as “amazing” by those who have seen it. 

Peace Poster Winner - Hannah Roberts

Hannah Roberts with her amazing Peace Poster entry.

Approximately 600,000 children from 55 countries participated in this year’s Peace Poster Contest. The posters were judged at the club, district and multiple district levels before reaching the international level, at which point they had been narrowed down to 109 posters.

Based on creativity, originality and portrayal of the theme “We Are All Connected”, Hannah’s entry was chosen as one of 23 merit award winners. As such, Hannah will receive US$500 and a Certificate of Merit.

To be chosen as one of just 23 merit award winners from across the world is indeed a superb honour. Congratulations Hannah! 

Kindness Matters Service Awards

Meanwhile this month, Lions Clubs International presented The City of Adelaide Lions Club and The Leo Club of Melbourne Next Gen with their Kindness Matters Service Awards.

This year, only 30 out of 48,000 Lions clubs received this prestigious award, which is given annually to Lions and Leo clubs for performing an outstanding service project in one of Lions Clubs International’s global cause areas: diabetes, hunger, vision, environment, childhood cancer, humanitarian, disaster relief or youth.

The City of Adelaide Lions Club was presented with the award for their Hear Me Roar! Project founded by the club in 2016. It started by creating care packs and making multi-purpose heart shaped cushions for both adult and child patients in hospitals. It quickly grew to include making port pillows to provide cushioning to the chest and/or abdominal area for people with port/incision/surgical/trauma sites.

They added cushions for children in hospital going through cancer treatment or craniofacial surgeries, disadvantaged and vulnerable youth in various organisations and foster care. In 2018, the project started another initiative, sorting and labeling children’s books, and packing them into age appropriate book bags to be distributed to disadvantaged and vulnerable youth across South Australia. The project has supported over 7,700 individuals across SA so far.

The Leo Club of Melbourne Next Gen was also presented with the award for holding a fundraiser in August, 2021.

Aside from pledging AUD$1000 to support the Lions and Leos from Sri Lanka (in collaboration with Lions Club of Melbourne Next Gen) and the Lions Clubs International Foundation for the purchase of medical and laboratory equipment to fight Covid-19, the Leo Club organised a Virtual Telethon to raise further funds for the ‘Thousand Hopes’ campaign!

Well done to all!

Lions volunteers give the gift of education to young non-verbal autistic boy

Lions volunteers give the gift of education to young non-verbal autistic boy

As the saying goes, it takes a village to raise a child and this is especially true for young children with autism.

Early intervention is key for the learning and development of children with autism and with the support of Lions volunteers a young non-verbal autistic 4-year-old is kickstarting 2022 with the education he needs to reach his full potential.

Thomas’ parents are from Columbia. They are not permanent residents in Australia and therefore cannot access the NDIS. Navigating the system is particularly difficult and expensive. Despite both working Thomas’ parents couldn’t afford the early intervention their 4-year-old son needs.

Lions supporting young boy with autism

Lions volunteer Elvio Munzone with Thomas and his Dad Daniel.

When he came across the Martinez family last year, Sydney based Lion volunteer Elvio Munzone was on a mission to do what he could to help.

He quickly rallied within the Lions network and was able to secure $22,000 funding which will give Thomas access to 48 weeks of early intervention education.

“At Lions we’re passionate about helping those in need in the community. When Thomas’ parents reached out to me and explained their situation I was very keen to do what I could to assist. Early intervention is so important particularly for children with autism. This is not the first time Lions has supported young children with autism. A few years ago, we supported a young non-verbal boy with autism who benefited greatly and is now speaking and attending school.”

Thanks to Lions Clubs of Bondi, Manly, Lugarno, Coogee, Hunter Business Lions Club, Blacktown Ponds, Parramatta, Epping Eastwood, Sydney Seaside, Sydney Champions Inner West, Follow Your Dream Foundation-Australia and a grant from the Australian Lions Foundation, Thomas will now have the opportunity to benefit from early intervention too.

Thomas’ parents say they are very grateful for the support.

“As a young family and not permanent residents in Australia, navigating the health and education system can be hard and it’s very expensive. Thomas is everything to us and we are just so grateful that he is now able to access the early intervention that he needs, “says Daniel Martinez.

“Thank you, thank you, thank you to Lions for your support. It’s hard to find more words to express just how grateful we are. It is such an important time in our son’s life and we are sure that he will benefit greatly from this early intervention education. Thank you.”

Lions Club of Whitford Donates to Mobile Laundry Van


For many Australians, clean clothes are an unattainable luxury. The team at Perth-based Fortuna Foundation are trying to change that.

Launched in August of 2021, their Positive Spin Van operates as a laundromat-on-wheels providing free laundry services to those in need.

Currently, there are over 9,000 people experiencing homelessness in Perth. Of these, it is estimated that 1,100 are sleeping rough.

Recognising the importance of such a service, the Lions Club of Whitford recently donated $1,000 to the initiative.

“(Project Spin) is such a good and generous project to help those not as fortunate and their work should be recognised, I believe,” said Derek Best, President of the Lions Club of Whitford.

The Van, with its two washing machines and two clothes dryers, parks alongside partnering community centres and churches according to a roster that is distributed by flyers and community groups.

During the wash and dry cycle, those utilising the service will be provided with food and a safe space to share stories and conversations with Positive Spin’s volunteers.

Through bridging the welfare gap, Fortuna Foundation hope to restore dignity in its users and inspire confidence to seek out employment.

“The Positive Spin Van was birthed with a vision to better address the needs of our community. We hope that by providing this free service we will alleviate some of the common stresses our homeless friends face every day; that they won’t have to worry about something as simple as clean clothes and hygiene which we often take for granted,” said Fortuna Foundation Board Member, Dinesh Aggarwal.

Although the Positive Spin Van is not a permanent solution to eradicating homelessness, it is an important and necessary step in restoring the dignity and humanity of those experiencing homelessness in Perth.


To make a donation or to learn more about this initiative, click here.