Insurance & Risk Management Committee Profiles

Bob Korotcoff

Robert N (Bob) Korotcoff of Adelaide SA was born and educated in Cairns NQ & served his National Service in the RAAF at Amberley. He was employed in the Accountancy and Earthmoving Industries in Cairns before he joined the Insurance Industry where he spent over 40 years, mainly in the areas of management. He joined the Lions Club of Cairns (Barrier Reef) in 1961 and is proud of his 59 years 100% Attendance in Lions. He transferred to Townsville (Host) in 1964 and served as President of that Club during 1971/72, followed by a year as Zone Chairman.

Bob was transferred to Adelaide in 1974 when he was appointed Manager for SA & NT for the Hartford Monarch Insurance Group and immediately transferred to the Lions Club of Brighton, where he remained an active member until his transfer to the Marion Lions Club. (District 201 C2) in 2003. During 1994 / 95 he was President of Brighton and is very proud of the fact that during that year, Membership was increased by 9. He has served in every Club position including eleven (11) terms as Club Treasurer. He was the Marion President for 2006-2007 and again for 2016 – 2017 and has been the Treasurer/Public Officer for that Club for 11 years.

He served during 1979/80 as District Governor for District 201 S3, and travelled extensively throughout South Australia & the Northern Territory. Prior to that high office, he served as Cabinet Secretary and District CBL Chairman and has been the District Convention Organising Chairman on three occasions and in the period since 1980, Bob has served Multiple District 201 as Chairman of the “Lion” Magazine Editorial Committee, Chairman of the MD 201 Insurance Committee (8 years), Chairman of the MD 201 Information Committee and 10 years as the Sergeant at Arms and Credentials Chairman at the MD Conventions. He was appointed the Public Officer for MD 201 in July 2002. Bob was also the Chairman of the MD201 Convention Standing Committee.

In 1978, Bob was appointed to the MD 201 Insurance Committee and has been involved with the Lions Insurance Programme since that date, nearly 41 years in all. In 1987, he was appointed the Lions Insurance Programme Consultant with the task of administering this facility on behalf of J U A Underwriting Agency Pty Ltd and in this Role, Bob has travelled throughout the Multiple District speaking at many District and Multiple District Conventions. During 1995, he travelled to New Zealand to assist MD 202 with their Insurance Programme and in 2004, he was present at the Liability Insurance Seminar held at the International Convention in Detroit USA. Bob holds a Diploma of Financial Services, holds an Australian Financial Services License # 000278958 and is an authorised representative of J U A Underwriting Agency Pty Ltd. At the 2010 Lions International Convention in Sydney, Bob co-presented at the Insurance Seminar and served on the International Credentials Committee. Bob retired as the Lions Australia Insurance Consultant on the 30th June, 2016 and has maintained an interest in the Lions Insurance Programme as a member of the MD201 Insurance Committee. On the 30th June, 2019, Bob resumed the position as the Lions Australia Insurance Consultant

Bob has been presented many Awards including: 59 years 100% Attendance, 2 International President’s Awards, International President’s Leadership Award, 2 International President’s Certificates, 100% District Governor, 100% Club President (3), a Progressive Melvin Jones Fellowship, James D Richardson Fellowship, Ian Stockdale Humanitarian Award and a Professor Douglas Coster Fellowship and is a Life Member of Lions Clubs International and of the Australian Past District Governor’s Association. Recently, Bob was presented with a Commonwealth Recognition Award for Senior Australians which recognized his efforts to the Community of South Australia and also an Unsung Hero Award from the City of Marion. At the 2010 Mildura Lions National Convention, Bob was admitted to the Australian Lions Foundation Hall of Fame.

When not involved with Lions, Bob was Treasurer for the Brighton Senior Citizens Club Board of Management for 10 years and the Secretary/Treasurer for the Abbeyfield Society (Marion)-an Organisation which provides Safe, Secure, Supportive Housing for 10 Elderly Folk, a role which he filled for ten (10) years; Treasurer of the Flinders Sub Branch of the National Servicemen’s Association for 3 years; and Treasurer of the South Western Schools Ministry for 8 years and is a Past President of the Brighton Conference of St Vincent de Paul. Both Bob and Erica are Foundation Earth Angels for Angel Flight and are actively involved in promoting this wonderful Facility. They have also been members of the Port Adelaide Outer Harbour Cruise Ship “Meet and Greet” Team for 7 years and are Registered Emergency Guide Dog Carers for the Royal Society for the Blind.

Married to Lions Lady Erica for 60 years, they have three Daughters and a Son and 6 wonderful Grand-children. Two of their Daughters, Ruth and Lea have followed their Father into the Insurance Industry. And what has been one of the many Highlights in Bob’s 84 years? Walking in his Father’s Footsteps, when he visited St Petersburg, Russia in 1995 and Gallipoli in 2006, and was proud to have been selected to attend the 100th Gallipoli Celebrations in April 2015 and laying a Wreath in memory of his Father at the Lone Pine Ceremony. They have enjoyed visiting many new places during their holidays overseas. And they also enjoy caravanning and cruising.

Peter Lamb

Peter Lamb was born and educated in Perth, Western Australia, but has worked and lived in NSW and Victoria before settling back in his home State in 1976. In the same year he joined the Lions Club of Fremantle, before transferring to the Lions Club of Mandurah, his current Club in 1979.

Peter was elected District Governor in 2011/12 and has served continuously on the W2 District Cabinet in a variety of positions for the past 15 years, has a 39 year perfect attendance award, is a Melvin Jones Fellow, recipient of a James D Richardson Award and three International President Awards.

On Multiple District, Peter has served on the MD Traveland Joint Venue, MD Convention Committee, Chairman of the MD Leo Committee, ALDAF and is currently the WA Trustee for ALCCRF. In Western Australia, he is currently Treasurer of the Lions Myalup Pines Cottages committee.

Peter is retired, having been the Managing Director of Ausure Insurance Brokers in Mandurah. Peter joined the industry in 1983 and has worked in various capacities with Colonial Mutual, NZI, ANZ and more recently with GIO as an Business Insurance Underwriter. Ausure is a national country based brokerage with over 200 offices Australia wide.

Peter retired as a Senior Associate of the ANZIIF, held a Diploma in Financial Services (Insurance Broking), was a member of the Association of Financial Advisors and held an AFSL license with Ausure.

When not involved in Lions, Peter is the number one Life Member of the local Dockers Supporters Club, is married to Lion Helen and has four Sons and eight Grand-children.
Peter was appointed to the MD Insurance committee in 2014.

John Houghhton

John Houghton joined Wangaratta Lions Club in 2010. John enjoys his time with Lions assisting the community through many different avenues. The Wangaratta Lions Club has over 54 members which have a variety of activities occurring throughout the year.

Currently holds various positions, 3rd Vice President, Club catering coordinator and the club Insurance portfolio. Together with wife Jennefer are also heavily involved with foster caring.

John also is involved in other facets of the community through his involvement with the Wangaratta Carevan, who feed meals to the homeless and needy three times a week, and the Avian Park Committee, which governs the operations of the local Trotting and Greyhound area. John is also a very active member of the Business Wangaratta (Chamber of Commerce) to encourage new businesses and industries into the area.

John commenced his Insurance career in Shepparton in 70’s with New Zealand Victoria Insurance, and then moving to Wangaratta in the mid 80’s representing Australian Eagle Insurance. In 1993 John migrated to QBE Insurance when they purchased Australian Eagle Insurance, as the Area Manager. In 2003 John purchased a Franchise of QBE Farmgate which was then sold to Elders Insurance and now owns the Elders Insurance Wangaratta franchise. John has four employees who have been with him for a considerable time. John holds a Diploma of Financial Services, Senior Associate, Certified Insurance Practitioner (CIP) with over 44 years experience in the industry.

Garry Bates

Relevant History:
1974 – 1988
Conducting internal investigations. Developing training programs for Security Staff including Health and Safety.

1989 – 1995
Advise management about Workplace Health & Safety and Risk Management for Transport Inspectors

1995 – 2000
Advise management about Workplace Health & Safety and Risk Management for Baillie Henderson Mental Hospital, Gatton & Oakey Hospitals.

2000 – Retirement
Conduct Risk Assessment inspections and reports for various Client Companies.

Relevant Qualifications:
SEPT 1989
I was one of the first WH&S Officers to qualify under the then new Queensland State legislation.

NOV 1993
This Diploma was awarded to me by the NSCA following further work and study in the field.

JUNE 1994

SEPT 1995

This was to understand the unique Risk Management challenges facing the Health Care Industry.

SEPT 2002
I qualified as an Auditor of Health and Safety plans and systems.

Lions History

I have been a member of Lions Clubs International (LCI) for almost 20 years and have enjoyed my time as part of the organisation. At a Club level, I have served as President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, Tail Twister, Web Master and liaison Officer to the Lioness Club of Toowoomba City KINGS.

I have served at District level in Dist. 201Q3 as the Safety Officer and as the partner of the District Governor.

I try to apply the Lions Ethics and Purposes to my everyday life which gives me a great sense of satisfaction. My happiest moments are spent with the Grand Children and the Great Grand Children especially playing trains.

Garry Galvin

Garry joined Lions in Dubbo NSW in 1981. Due to employment transfers, he has moved around the State and has been a member of the Lions Clubs of Dubbo, Campbelltown City, and Canberra City before transferring to Green Point Avoca in District 201N3 in 2001.

Garry has held numerous positions on the boards of all Clubs of which he has been a member, and has served on the District Cabinet of 201N2 on three occasions (Zone Chairman twice and Region Chairman). Garry has also served on the District Cabinet of 201N3 on four occasions as well as having held the position of NSW Coordinator for Lions Youth of the Year Program.

He retired in 2008 from QBE Insurance (Australia) Limited, with whom he had been employed since 1989. During that time he held a number of management positions within the Group, and held the position of National Product Manager at retirement.

In 2000, Garry was appointed to the Insurance Committee and has served on that committee from that time, holding the position of Chairman on two occasions. His experience in the Insurance Industry and time on the Lions Australia Insurance Committee enables him to assist all Lions Clubs with their insurance needs.