General terms
Except as permitted by the copyright law applicable to you, you may not reproduce or communicate any of the content on this website, including files downloadable from this website, without the permission of the copyright owner.
The Australian Copyright Act allows certain uses of content from the internet without the copyright owner’s permission. This includes uses by educational institutions and by Commonwealth and State governments, provided fair compensation is paid. For more information, see and
The owners of copyright in the content on this website may receive compensation for the use of their content by educational institutions and governments, including from licensing schemes managed by Copyright Agency.
We may change these terms of use from time to time. Check before re-using any content from this website.
Specific terms of use by Lions Clubs within MD201
Lions Clubs within Multiple District 201 should also seek permission to use materials on this website, excluding those that are issued for distribution through the Lions PR network.
Specific terms related to the use of the Lions emblem and trademark
The Lions emblem (logo), the words “Lions”, “Lions Club”, “Lions International” and “Lions Clubs International” are all registered trademarks of Lions Clubs International in all parts of the world. The trademark laws require that LCI has to restrict and guard the use of these trademarks in order to maintain its rights to them.
For this effect the Lions Clubs International and its General Council have given out a set of rules about the use of these trademarks. This is a translated, shortened and unofficial version of these rules.
For further information please contact Lions Clubs International and its General Council.
No product that contains the Lions logo or the words “Lions”, “Lions Club”, “Lions International” or “Lions Clubs International” may be sold or otherwise distributed to Lions members, Lions Clubs, Lions Districts or the general public without the prior written permission from the LCI General Council.
A Lions Club, Lions District or Lions member does not have the right to use the Lions emblem on any product or goods that are intended to be sold to Lions members or the general public in order to collect money. For this purpose there exists a special emblem that bears the text “Lions Club Fund Raising Activity Seal”.
For using this emblem a prior written permission from the LCI General Council is required. No producer, printer, publisher, advertiser or other type of commercial entrepreneur, commercial or charity organization or club or association is allowed to use the name, good will, trademark, award, logo, emblem, pin or other similar item for any purpose, except when it has received a prior written permission from the LCI General Council. No Lions district or other combination of Lions Clubs is allowed to use the name or emblem of the association in combination with any program or activity of the group or district without a prior written permission from the international board of LCI, granted towards precisely that named activity.
A permission can only be granted for activities that are under supervision of Lions districts, clubs or groups of clubs, and only when the participation of individual Lions members and clubs in these programs or activities is totally voluntary so that the clubs and members are not forced to grant money for them.
Unofficial remark: All Lions Clubs that we are aware of that have asked the LCI for permission to use the Lions trademarks on their WWW pages have so far received permission to do so, as long as the contents of their WWW pages lie strictly within the rules and code of ethics set forth by the LCI. However, this statement here does not constitute any kind of permission to use the Lions trademarks at any occasion anywhere.
We strongly encourage those who are planning to use the Lions trademarks on any occasion to request prior permission from Lions Clubs International.