Walking towards a cure for diabetes

Original story by Joan Tufvesson

The Lions Club of Yarrawonga and the Lions Club of Lake Mulwala joined forces to host the inaugural walk for diabetes awareness at the Yarrawonga Showgrounds on Saturday 20th May.

Support for this event from local businesses and professionals was fantastic and very much appreciated by both Clubs.

The weather behaved itself, providing cloud cover for the 70 walkers and two dogs. A total of 280 km was walked; which equates to approximately 459 laps of the oval.

There was a “Pit Stop” provided halfway around the oval where snacks, fresh fruit, and bottled water were handed out. At the final “Pit Stop”, held at the Yarrawonga Lions Wool Pavilion, a selection of diabetic-friendly food was cooked for walkers – chilli con carne and wholemeal pancakes – which was included in the $10 registration fee. All produce and snacks were generously donated by Woolworths and Midland Fresh.

The starting line. Image: supplied.

Advice was given free of charge and the Clubs’ thanks go to Credentialed Diabetes Educator Janet Lagstrom; Accredited Practising Dietitian at Yarrawonga Health Liza Black; optometrists Sandra Heaney and Andrew Banks; and Lions District Diabetes Chairperson Robyn Harrison.

Posters with QR codes were placed on the fence which linked to a website with relevant information about diabetes.

A pizza oven was donated by Bunnings with the winner being the President of Finley Lions Chris Horne.

All funds raised from the registration and sale of raffle tickets was forwarded to Lions Australia Diabetes Foundation, which will go towards prevention, awareness, and research in the fight against diabetes.

Without volunteers and sponsors, these events could not happen. So, a very big thank you to everyone involved in this event.


You can learn more about the Lions Australia Diabetes Foundation here.