Gloucester’s ‘Shoehorn Man’ a local Lions hero

Meet Lion Doug Clarke, who is fondly known as ‘The Shoehorn Man’ in his community. 

A proud member of the Gloucester Lions Club, Doug’s journey with Lions started in 1982 and he has been actively contributing ever since. 

Known for crafting shoehorns from Harwell Lifts’ aluminum offcuts, Doug generously distributes these at local events like farmers markets and Lions get-togethers.

Over 1,000 shoehorns, plus an additional 440 mini versions for children, have found their way into homes, thanks to Doug. 

A man of many creative skills, he even designed an over-the-shoulder carry bag to easily transport them.

Lion Doug Clarke aka ‘The Shoehorn Man’

A few of Doug’s memorable interactions include a tourist requesting a long shoehorn for his young nephew and 100-year-old father, as well as a two little girls who use the shoehorns to eat their porridge!

One of his shoehorns even accompanied a happy recipient on a three-week trip to New Zealand.

Members from the Police Force, Gloucester Fire Station, Medical Centre, Hospital, and Mirrabooka Nursing Home are all proud owners of Doug’s shoehorns.

When he’s not crafting shoehorns, Doug is seen around town, whipper-snipping small overgrown areas and doing general tidying up.

His love for engaging with people and promoting Lions is evident in his every day actions, with members of his club amazed at his dedication to his community. 

If you’re interested in getting your hands on some of Doug’s famous shoehorns, get in touch with the Gloucester Lions Club via Facebook. 

Two special ceremonies for Kellyville Lions

In a vibrant display of our community’s continuity and growth, a newcomer has been welcomed on the same night a long-standing Lion is honoured.

During a gathering for the Kellyville Lions Club on the 19th March 2024, District N5’s 1st Vice District Governor Genevieve Jeny, carried out two significant ceremonies.

L to R: Kellyville Lions President Paul Campbell, 1st VDG Genevieve Jeny, PDG Geoff Cossart, Lion Karen Williams and Lion Anne Famularo, Karen’s sponsor.

One involved honoring Geoff Cossart, a long-time member of Kellyville Lions, with a medal recognizing his 50 years of dedicated service to Lions.

The other marked the induction of Karen Williams as the newest addition to the club.

This unusual occasion recognised Geoff’s extraordinary commitment, while Karen’s arrival was warmly embraced by her new Lions family. 

Lion PDG Geoff Cossart and new member Lion Karen Williams.

We congratulate Geoff on his service milestone and welcome Karen to Lions Australia!

To see more from the Kellyville Lions Club, follow them on Facebook here. 


Lugarno Lions Club support ALF

Lions rally behind Sari-Elle’s Everest challenge for Australian Lions Foundation

Lugarno Lions Club are rallying behind a fellow Lion’s Everest Marathon Challenge and they are encouraging the rest of the community to get behind the important fundraising initiative.

Sari-Elle Kraemer has set herself a goal to not only climb 17,598 ft above sea level to Everest Base Camp in Nepal but also to run 42.195 km crisscrossing the high Sherpa trails of Khumbu Valley!

Photo credit: Bob Walker

In the lead-up to running the World’s Highest Marathon in May, Sari-Elle aims to raise $120,000 for the life-changing work of the Australian Lions Foundation’s compassionate grants, which assist individuals and families in necessitous circumstances.

This assistance may be by the provision of medical aids, equipment, or cash to provide relief from significant hardship.

Lugarno Lions support Australian Lions Foundation

Photo credit: Bob Walker

The Lugarno Lions Club has proudly been supporting Sari-Elle’s fundraising efforts in recent months, contributing $3000 and assisting with hosting a Trivia Night, which raised over $10,000.

Some members are going the extra mile, lacing up their shoes to join Sari-Elle in some training at Gannons Park.

They are encouraging other Lions Clubs and their communities to get behind the important fundraiser.

Sari-Elle and Lugarno Lions for ALF

Photo credit: Bob Walker

“You just never know when you or someone close to you might need the support of Australian Lions Foundation’s Compassionate Grants.

Lugarno Lions have utilised these grants many times to support people in urgent need of support in our community,” says Lugarno Lions Club member Elvio Munzone OAM.

“We are very pleased to be supporting a young Lion on a mission to raise awareness and funds to help enable more of this life changing work. We encourage other Lions Clubs and their communities across the country to get behind Sari-Elle’s fundraising and help her reach her goal of $120,000 for Australian Lions Foundation,” adds Elvio.

Photo credit: Bob Walker

For more information about Sari-Elle’s Everest Marathon for Lions, click here.

About Lugarno Lions Club
Lugarno Lions Club celebrates its 50th anniversary in May 2024. The club has donated over $3 million back to the local community over the years and has been involved in thousands of community service projects and initiatives. The Club raises funds through a variety of methods including BBQs, raffles, selling Christmas cakes, bucket collections and various events such as a Sports Breakfast.

Lions Cancer Institute for melanoma research

Lions reach major milestone for melanoma research

Lions Cancer Institute for melanoma research

Melanoma is one of Australia’s most prevalent cancers with two in three Australians diagnosed with some form of skin cancer before the age of 70.

The Lions Cancer Institute (WA) is on a mission to change this through the establishment of the Lions Cancer Institute (WA) Colin Beauchamp and Sue Goddard PhD Scholarship at Curtin University.

The three and a half year scholarship marks a crucial step forward in the fight against melanoma, one of Australia’s most prevalent cancers.

The scholarship aims to empower researchers to address the complexities of melanoma and develop innovative treatments for better outcomes.

Lions Cancer Institute WA

The scholarship is named after Lions Past District Governor Colin Beauchamp AM and his wife Sue Goddard Beauchamp OAM who have been an integral part of the Lions Cancer Institute (WA) since 1990 and have played a significant role in driving the Institute’s focus on skin cancer screening.

“We are proud to be partnering with Curtin University to launch the inaugural Lions Cancer Institute (WA) Colin Beauchamp and Sue Goddard PhD Scholarship,” says Lions Cancer Institute (WA) Chair Mick Wainwright.

“To date, our skin cancer screening program has screened over 90,000 people throughout WA, with a referral rate of approximately 23% to see their GP. Of these we believe about 6% had a life-threatening cancer detected.”

Lions Cancer Institute (WA)

Through decades of providing free skin cancer screenings to the community, the Lions Cancer Institute (WA) are committed to doing what they can to not only help with detection but also help with education, prevention and innovative treatment options.

“Through this scholarship, we aim to substantially increase the survival rate and reduce the incidence of melanoma,” adds Mick.

The Lions Cancer Institute (WA) has supported 15 PhD students in cancer research over the years.

Lions Cancer Institute

This newly established scholarship will play a pivotal role in enabling researchers to explore effective treatments, unravel the complexities of resistance, and lay the groundwork for improving long-term outcomes for individuals living with melanoma.

Partnerships and contributions from organisations and individuals are integral to the success of research initiatives, and Lions Australia acknowledges the critical role played by such support in the mission to save lives now and in the future.

Learn more about the Lions Cancer Institute (WA) and its commitment to melanoma research here.

Lions Donate Vital Medical Equipment To Local Hospital

The Bellingen Lions Club has once again shown their unwavering commitment to the community by generously supporting the Bellinger River District Hospital.

Their most recent act of kindness was the donation of vital medical equipment, marking their second contribution in just a few weeks.

After presenting a $6,268 vaccine fridge to the hospital, these dedicated individuals didn’t stop there.

They returned with an additional gift, a $13,161 donation of three essential oxygen concentrators.

These compact devices promise to bring a sense of independence, freedom and an enhanced quality of life to patients suffering from breathing difficulties.

The Bellingen Lions Club offer their gratitude to the community for supporting their mission to donate these life-changing oxygen concentrators, with special thanks to C.ex Coffs Harbour and the Australian Lions Foundation.

The C.ex grant, combined with community funds from the Lions Christmas Raffle and sales of Lions Christmas cakes and puddings, was generously matched by the Australian Lions Foundation.

To see more of the Club’s vital community projects, follow them on Facebook here.

Lions honoured with Order of Australia (OAM)

The 2024 Australia Day Honours list recognises and celebrates 1,042 Australians, including awards in the Order of Australia (General and Military Divisions), meritorious awards and recognition for distinguished and conspicuous service.

We are proud to report that 24 Lions were among those that were honoured!

See the full list here.

One of those recipients is Lion Roslyn Bryant who is celebrating more than 45 years of selflessly serving her community.

Roslyn’s journey began in 1977 with the Sherwood Leo Club in Brisbane.

Her heartwarming efforts have encompassed support for local orphanages, leadership at state Leo conferences, and the initiation of impactful service projects.

In 1980, love blossomed when she met her husband, fellow Lion and Past District Governor Graham, and together, they have poured their hearts into numerous Lions projects across Australia.

Notable among Roslyn’s many projects is reading to blind residents in aged care homes and her enthusiasm in organising Australia Day celebrations in Bathurst.

At the Wheelers Hill Lions Club, she embraced leadership roles, even serving admirably as President.

As a Lions Eye Health Program Instructor, she has lovingly guided others, and her home has been a haven for youth visiting from abroad.

Her spirit of service shone in coordinating Lions Youth of the Year competitions and volunteering in the L2P Learner Driver Program, helping young people who have significant barriers to learning to drive.

Her tireless work was honoured with an Ian M Stockdale Award and a Melvin Jones Fellowship.

Beyond her Lion’s role, Roslyn’s heart extends to broader community service and church life.

We thank Roslyn for her unwavering dedication to her community and congratulate all Lions who were honoured with an OAM this year.

Lion treks from Darwin to Adelaide for a good cause

On the first day of May in 2024, a remarkable journey will begin.

Lion Chris Woods will step out from Darwin, destination Adelaide, her purpose a heartfelt one – to uplift and support causes that hold a special place in her heart. 

Along with her treasured Tenterfield Lions Club, organisations that are devoted to mental health (Beyond Blue, Dads 4 Kids, and Black Dog Institute) resonate deeply with Chris.

Her son’s brave fight to gain custody of his children has etched these causes into her mind and are the motivation behind her trek to Adelaide. 

“Witnessing the struggles of young fathers like my son, I felt compelled to stand by these charities that have been our beacon of hope,” Chris shares.

Accustomed to walking long distances as a magazine distributor, Chris is no newcomer to this challenge. 

Her determination has previously led her to complete multiple Relay For Life events, as a tribute to her late husband’s courageous battle with cancer.

Chris now embarks on a 3,000-kilometre journey – a testament to her resilience.

She hopes to illuminate the tireless efforts of these organisations dedicated to mental health awareness and support for Aussie dads.

You can follow this heart-stirring journey on Facebook and join Chris in making a difference.

Donations will go towards Chris’ chosen organisations, including 10% going to the Tenterfield Lions Club, who will put the donations towards mental health projects in their community.

If you would like to make a donation, please see bank details below:
Tenterfield Lions Club
Commonwealth Bank – Stanthorpe
BSB: 064 431
ACC: 10272413
Burketown Floods

Local School thanks Lions for Flood Relief Support

Not all heroes wear capes and for the isolated outback Burketown State School in Queensland, it was volunteers with Lions Clubs shirts that came to the rescue.

Last year when Burketown was devastated by flood waters, Lions Past District Governor Michael MacLaren and his partner Max Tavasci were the first on the scene to conduct a comprehensive assessment of the town’s needs.

PDG Michael MacLaren thanking Hawkins Transport for providing free freight containing donated Lions hampers into Burketown.

Michael and Max quickly mobilised the local Lions network of volunteers to distribute essential items and support.

The volunteers distributed hampers containing essential items to the hardest-hit members of the community, including station owners and the Indigenous communities.

After meeting with the Aboriginal Corporation to address their unique needs, Lions incorporated snake bite kits and first aid kits in the hampers.

Towels, sheets, blankets, and Lions Christmas Cakes and Puddings were also donated to the local health clinic.

Supplying tuck-shop equipment to the local school, including stainless steel shelving, a sandwich maker, slushie machine, barbecue and gas bottles, benefiting not only the students but also families displaced during the floods.

The emergency relief utilised funds raised by hard-working Clubs across the Lions Q2 District in North Queensland.

Lion Max Tavasci packing up essential supplies for the Burketown community.

The impact of these efforts goes beyond immediate relief, contributing to the long-term well-being of the Burketown community.

The local Lions will further demonstrate their commitment by returning to conduct a free eye health screening test for the children on 18th July 2024, during which Michael and Max will be honoured with an award by the school.

“Last year our school was devastated by floods. Local Lions volunteers came to our rescue,” says Burketown State School Principal Chris Ford.

“A special shout out to Lions Past District Governor Michael MacLaren and his partner Max who really took the time to understand what the community needed and mobilised the Lions network to make it happen.”

Burketown State School Principal Chris Ford pictured with his Australia Day Community Champion Award for his own outstanding performance during the 2023 floods.

“We are incredibly grateful for the ongoing support of Lions and it’s wonderful to see them setting such a great example and highlighting the importance of community service for our students, ” said Chris.

Lions’ flood relief continues…

As disasters continue to devastate parts of the country in 2024, Lions are there providing vital support to communities.

Members from the Marlin Coast Lions Club in Cairns preparing food for SES and emergency workers as they help residents affected by Cyclone Jasper.

Whether it’s cooking for emergency service personnel, setting up free laundry and shower vans or simply lending a helping hand to someone who has lost everything.

L: Q2 District Governor Jo Lynes presented Cairns school student with a laptop after her family’s belongings were destroyed in floods. R: Q3 District Governor Andy Fitzgerald shopping for new tools with QLD tradie who lost all in floods.

Lions continue to uplift the spirits of those who have lost so much in disaster-affected communities.

Well done to all our volunteers – where there is a need, there is a Lion!

Lions fire up the BBQ to feed the hungry on public holiday

In the heart of Coffs Harbour, the spirit of giving did not fade even after Christmas Day.

On Boxing Day and New Year’s Day, traditionally overlooked by meal services, the hungry found solace.

The Coffs Harbour Lions Club extended a warm hand to those without access to food kitchens on these public holidays, driven by a collective desire to help vulnerable community members including the homeless. 

The club’s efforts served to bridge this gap, offering food and drinks, funded by the generous donations from the siblings of a Lions Club member.

The menu was a feast, featuring bacon and egg rolls, sausages and onions, cakes, muffins, chocolates, fruit, shortbread, and more. Intent on elevating the occasion, the club had special bags of goodies for all attendees, sewn by member Teng.

These reusable bags served as a practical gift for the homeless, moving away from single-use plastic.

Club members contributed non-perishable food items, and local companies generously donated reusable water bottles and fresh fruit.

The joy of helping others is a reward in itself, as Lion Rosemary shares, “The gratitude of someone who hasn’t eaten since Friday, asking for seconds, warms the heart.”

The club plans to continue these BBQs on public holidays, making a difference one meal at a time.

Lions Receive International Acknowledgement For Overseas Aid

The Lions Club of Mooloolaba has earned the Model Club Award from the Lions Clubs International Foundation due to their impactful contributions and leadership in humanitarian efforts.

The club has been instrumental in extending the Foundation’s aid to disaster-stricken communities globally, including the resettlement of refugees in 17 countries.

Their fundraising initiatives, such as the sale of Christmas cakes and sausage sizzles, have been well-supported by the local community.

One of their primary fundraisers is the Fisherman’s Road Market, run by dedicated members of the club, including the former Mooloolaba Lioness club members.

Recently, their aid was directed locally with significant donations to various causes, including drought-affected farmers, bushfire victims, local families, and cyclone and flood victims in North Queensland.

Congratulations Mooloolaba Lions! You can read more about their prestigious award here.