Our Governance & Structure Centre

The Multiple District Structure

Under s71 of the Multiple District Constitution, Council is required to compile an Administration Manual. This section of the website directs members to relevant policies of Council and the Association.

2023-24 Council Chairperson: Vin Pang JP – N5

My theme for this Lions year is, “People Our Business”. We are in the business of helping people who are less fortunate than ourselves. We cannot operate successfully alone. We have to work as a team.

As a group of Lions are a powerful force, especially when we are mutually supporting each other.
We all have goals that we wish to achieve in the areas of : service activities, membership development, leadership development and fundraising for LCIF.

As part of the 201 Multiple District 2023-24 Team my aim is to help you achieve the goals we set.
With my passion for increasing membership and the success that N5 has experienced in this area,  I will share the strategies that we used successfully.

I look forward to assisting our membership goals.

Lions History
In Lions, I discovered that organizing big events was enjoyable and coordinating them became a passion.
My ability in this area was put to the test when I was invited to join P.I.D. Barry Palmer’s Election Campaign. This was just the start of my work at this level. From there, I moved to an appointment as Manager of the Promotional Committee for L.C.I. 2nd Vice President.
As the Marketing Director of the Promotional Committee I was very proud that the first Australian Barry Palmer had been elected as the International President.
As part of my club, Sydney Inner West, I have chaired six Annual Charity Balls which have raised in excess of $200,000. The proceeds of these events. went to organizations such as the Follow Your Dream Foundation-Australia, Western Sydney University Scholarships, Australia Lions Childhood Cancer Research Foundation, ALF and LCIF.
The four main goals of my year have been in the areas of service, leadership, raising funds for LCIF and most importantly, membership. With the help of a great team the District of N5 successfully formed 12 new clubs. Overall, N5 had a net gain of 297 members. This was a growth of 16.4%.
My Service Chairman fully supported my goal of 57% of clubs reporting their service activities. This was achieved by approaching the clubs individually and supporting them with their initial recording of data on MyLion. Over time, the Chairman accepted the challenge of increased goals and we now have 93% of clubs reporting service.
In the area of leadership, N5 allocated additional funds to raise the amount of training that our Lions were receiving. The Leadership Team targeted Lions members whose leadership qualities had been noted. These members were then actively encouraged to attend appropriate Lions Courses. Consequently, this year we have 13 graduates from RLLI, three from ALLI, four from FDI and two from LCIP. Additionally, we now have 43 Guiding Lions in our district.
A decision was reached to fund raise for LCIF as part of the Lions 75th Anniversary Celebrations. We succeeded in raising over $100,000 Australian. The 53 Melvin Jones Fellowships received on the night, along with additional fundraising ensured success. The International President, Brian Sheehan, was very impressed that evening when he accepted the cheque. A lasting legacy of the 75th Anniversary was the prepaid Lions envelope developed by Australian Post that was made available throughout Australia.

Policies of the Council and the Association

The Australian Council of Governors

The Association is governed by the Multiple District Council, consisting of the Council Chairpersons and the nineteen Governors of the Districts of the Multiple District. The registered name of the Association is Multiple District 201 Of Lions Clubs International Inc. ABN: 63 592 786 032 ARBN: 062 740 078.

The Council is assisted by appointed officers and chairpersons of coordinating committees.

Constitutionally, the officers of the Multiple District are the Council Chairperson, Executive Officer, Council Treasurer and the Legal Officer.

The duty of Council is to implement Lions Convention resolutions, control the organisation of Lions projects and the Lions Convention, create new initiatives for the growth of Lionism, and to control the finances of the Multiple District.

Each Club belongs to a District who each year elect a District Governor. The Governor is a member of the Council.

2023-24 Management Executive

The Committees

There are five Coordinating Committees which are Administration, Membership, Leadership, Youth and Community Projects and Fundraising & Partnerships. They are responsible for different programmes in the Australian Multiple District.

Lions members may apply for vacancies on these committees as they become available. Managers are elected who meet and advise the Council of Governors on policies and procedures.

2023-24 MD 201 Committees

Management Group

A Management Group comprising our Council Chairperson, Executive Officer, National Treasurer, Legal Officer and the four Coordinating Chairpersons of the Membership, Leadership, Youth and Community Projects, Fundraising & Partnerships Committees and Global Service Team review reports prior to the relevant Council Meeting to ensure that all information required for Council is available and in a form which will enable Council to take decisions and develop policy.

2023-24 Management Group

Members of the Association

The members of the Multiple District are all Lions Clubs in the Multiple District chartered by the International Board.

Alphabetical Clubs Listing with District


The Multiple District comprises the Districts from time to time within the territory of the Multiple District as approved by the International Board. Each District within the Multiple District shall be designated in such manner as shall be approved by the Council and the International Board.

2023-24 District Governors

2023-24 – MAP

Alphabetical Clubs Listing with District

National Office

The National office is managed by the Executive Officer and the Office Manager. With the staff they manage the administration of the MD201 Districts. They are there to assist members. They also manage the Lions Australia Shop.

National Office

Lions Australia Shop

The Executive Officer

The Executive Officer is Council’s principal staff officer, exercising overall management responsibility for Council’s operations.

The Executive Officer:

  • Acts as the primary link between the members of Council and the organisation and is responsible for providing assistance to members of Council in developing policy.
  • Provides leadership to staff in achieving Council’s objectives.
  • Is responsible in consultation with the National Treasurer for the financial management of the Council.
  • Subject to the direction of the Council communicates and promotes Council’s policies from time to time.

MD201 Council Locked Bag 2000
Newcastle, NSW 2300
Phone: 1800-655201 (02) 4940-8033


International Association of Lions Clubs

Multiple District 201′s 2022-23 International Officers

2023-2024 International Officers

Multiple District 201 of Lions Clubs International Inc ABN: 63 592 786 032, is an Association incorporated under the Associations Incorporation Act 1985 (SA) and an Australian Registered Body ARBN: 062 740 078.