Lions mobile skin check and awareness unit aims to reduce prevalence of skin cancer

Australia has one of the highest rates of skin cancer in the world, but Lions Clubs in Victoria and Southern NSW are doing their bit to reduce that level and its impact on families.

The incorporated charity, the Lions V Districts Cancer Foundation, launched its mobile skin check van in March 2021.

With over $400,000 raise through the generosity of Lions Clubs and philanthropic donors, the van is now offering free skin check services, especially to those in rural and remote areas with limited access to specialist skin care professionals.

The van is operated by fully trained, certified and professionally supervised volunteers. As it tours around, the unit will be a valuable resource for local people to access not only the skin check, but timely information about skin care and self-checking techniques.

Each Skin Check Unit visit is hosted by the local Lions Club, and full-body skin checks are conducted for the people booked. Fully trained dermoscopists, who operate hand-held microscopes to check over the skin, identify any suspect lesions and refer people on to doctors if any are found.

The van made a special appearance at the recent Lions Australia Convention in Canberra, and was toured by media personality and skin cancer advocate, Deborah Hutton.

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